"Good job, you get to choose a new colour today,"

"She's gonna go for purple," I smiled, feeling her squeeze my hand.

"They look perfect Ava, nothing to worry about,"

"Thankyou," I said, "let's get this all done,"

"Please can I have a drink?"

As Calum and Viola came in, chief gave her a cup of water. They both put gloves on and she laid back down, sighing heavily. Calum put the gas over her and took her other hand.

"Do you want music?"


"Okay, I'm just taking the colour and wire off so that Calum can clean them. Stay still for me love,"

It hurt me to see her flinch every time she unclipped her wire, but her teeth had already changed so much.

"They are looking so much better,"

"How do elastics help?"

"It's going to bring your jaw into the right position. Calum's gonna take over now, okay?"

"I don't want it,"

"Take some deep breaths bub, you don't need to stress," he said, squeezing her shoulders, "no one put a bib on you,"

Carefully, he put on around her then got numbing gel, swiping it across her gums. As he started scaling, she squeezed my hand tighter, moving her head away.

"You can't do that sweetheart,"

"Stay still for us poppet,"

Despite groaning, she complied, getting really irritated when he went to the handscaler. I chose raspberry toothpaste for her, then Cal flossed.

Without hesitation, Viola started putting her wire back in, while Calum took his gloves off and held her hand again.

"That was really good,"

"This purple looks nice," Viola said, gently tickling her chin which made her open wider. As I watched, the two of them had developed silent communication- it seemed to really help Ava.

Any time Ava and Viola were together, it really warmed my heart. With Marcus coming too, we seemed to have found a perfect little family.

"Dad," she whimpered, "dad,"

"Hey, hey, Viola is almost done. We will have to get you a special treat after this,"

Calum started to rub her tummy, Viola putting her elastics on for her.

"I'll show you how to do it later. All done,"

They took the gas off and sat the chair up, Ava's eyes watering.

"You're so brave,"

"I want to call Marcus,"

"Okay, why don't we go home and do that together? You've not spoken to him since the other night,"

She nodded and unwrapped the blanket, letting me wrap my arm around her. Viola came with us and we grabbed our bags, all of us getting in the car.

Viola decided to drive, because her test was this weekend and she could practice if I was here. Ava kept herself busy with a book in the back, so I helped Viola with extra tips.

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