{Escaping Into The Night.}

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"REE-an?" I prounced slowly and he nodded. "What kind of name is that?"

He scoffed, but grinned, "Come on, tell your name. I've never seen you before and I wanna know who you are."

"Why do you care so much?" I asked. "Doesn't matter who I am, you'll have no time to get to know me."

"Telling me your name isn't gonna hurt you." he said, sitting his jeans in his jacket. "And I'm the mayor son."

"Oh." I said as if I sounded interested. "Well guess what, my dad is a construction worker. Anything else you would like to share?"

He grinned as brought the cigarette up to his mouth and let it stick there, "You're name, you haven't shared that."

I breathed heavily out my nose in frustrated at this human boy who was bugging me, "Thalia."

He smiled, "Thalia, how nice. So where'd you come from?"

"Enough sharing." I said, walking around him but he just walked up beside me. I stopped, looking at him annoyed. "What?" I asked coldly.

"Harmony doesn't get allot of new people." he said. "You're interesting, Newbie."

"And you're a pest." I said. "I already know I won't like you."

"Why's that?" he asked, taking the cigarette out his mouth. He threw it to ground, stomping on it. "You don't know me."

"And you don't know me." I said. "I could be a weirdo for all you know."

"Oh, I like that." he said sarcastically, making me roll my eyes. I turned, walking away but he grabbed my arm. I don't like to be grabbed, so I turned and grabbed his jacket. I knocked him under his feet and he fell on his back. His eyes widen as he look up at me, "Whoa!"

"Don't grab me again." I said before I ran away.


It was taking me awhily to find the motel. You would think I would in this small town but I couldn't until Kavan came to found me. He tracked me by my scent in front of the old wood shop store. He didn't yell at me or anything for running away. We just stared at each other for a moment I followed him back to the motel.

"Dad wants me to try and get you to eat." he said. "I know it sucks but even I know you got to eat. Starving yourself isn't going to prove a point until you faint again. I know your hungry."

"So what." I said. "I didn't want to leave Courtan. I actually liked it there."

"I know, Thalia. I saw it on your face." he said. "But I know why dad chose this place and you might not like it."

I stared up at him confused, "What do you mean?"

He brought his hand up to his mouth, "Secrets. They want to tell you."

"Tell me what?" I asked, arching my eyebrow. I grabbed his arm, "Kav, tell me."

He sighed heavily, "A family lives here. They're Jaguars and they have a son. That's all I can tell you."

"A son?" I questioned and he nodded. "So what? Oh god, they're not already trying to find me a male Jaguar are they? I'm to young and I don't want to have a mate. I'm still fifteen and I'm not way thinking of—"

"Thalia, relax. They just want you to meet him, you don't have to get married." he said. "They're not forcing you two to be together, just to meet. If you both like each other, who knows where it could go. If not, mom and dad won't force you to be with him. You know them, they tired the same with me. It's just, our kind is hard to find. We're not a large breed, they want you to be a Jaguar."

I scoffed, "What's his name?"

"Evander but he goes by Ander." he said. "He doesn't seem to bad...at least from what I can tell."

"Doesn't make me feel any better." I said as we got to the motel.

We went over to our room and knocked on the door so someone could let us in. Mom opened the door and we went in. I saw a family in the room. Two Jaguar parents, two boys and a little girl. I looked around since everything became silent and awkward.

"What?" I questioned.

Mom had a big smile on her face as she put her hand behind my back, pushing me towards a guy who was leaning against the wall until we came towards him. "Thalia, this is Evander. He's a son of your daddy old friend."

I stared at Ander for a moment and he did the same thing. He wasn't...to bad. He had light russet color skin with semi long dark hair that he seemed to push back allot with his hands. He was tall, but most Jaguars were. He was strong looking as I could see event through the wore a black long sleeve v-neck. Okay, so he was real handsome and I just want to run my hands throw his hair.

"Ander and his family invited us to stay with them for awhile until we found our own place to live." she said. She put her hands on my shoulders and turned me to look at her with excitement in her eyes, "I think you're gonna like this part. This time Thalia, we won't have to run for probably a long time now, I promise. Maybe never. Evander family has lived here for fifteen years with no problems and they're gonna help us. You can finally start a life."

I stared at her with wide eyes and I almost brought my hand up to cover my sob, but I couldn't make it in time. I smiled widely at her since she never made that promise before and she looked at me seriously. I smiled as she hugged me tightly in her arms. Hopefully she was right, because I think I had a reason to want to stay.

Heart Of A Jaguar.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang