68 - Weaknesses

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June felt a nervous tingling travel through her body once she glided off the bike. Yesterday they had only sat a couple of minutes next to each other at lunch, so she doubted anyone had noticed them. There however weren't a lot of students with a bike, and certainly not with a beautiful one like Juan's, which attracted anyone's attention anyway. 

Nobody used to notice her, which was obviously changing now. She wouldn't even be surprised if some thought she was new. Juan's hand glided in hers and he squeezed. As she looked up to him, he gave her a wink and walked towards the building. On their way he nodded friendly to people she'd never spoken to, scattering around some hi's and standing still now and then to have a little chat. June tried really hard not to stare at the floor the whole time, although it was a tenacious habit of hers. Compared to him she was a social disaster. She knew her social skills had improved since she was dating Juan, but she doubted she would ever be as spontaneous as he was. 

She even felt a bit relieved when she reached her locker and changed her books. She was probably imagining things, but she had the feeling everyone was looking at her. After zipping up her bag and placing the helmet in the locker, she got up. She tensed as she saw Rodey standing a few feet away from her. The last time she'd seen him was at Prom Night, there after he had been recovering until the summer break started.

He cleared his throat. "Hey."

June didn't answer. Instead, her eyes shot towards Juan. His locker was a little ahead and he was talking to a boy she didn't know.

"You don't have to call your boyfriend," he said in a bitter tone. "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. For what I did."

June didn't know what to answer, eventually she just nodded. 

"I just hope you know what you're doin'. He's dangerous June. Take care of yourself."

"Well he's not the one groping me," she answered, suddenly feeling outraged.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I –"

He froze at the moment Juan's arm glided around her waist. 

"Stay away from her. If you even look at her, I'll make sure she was the last thing you've ever seen."

Juan's voice was so dark that she believed he really planned to put his eyes out. At first she felt indignation because he was suggesting something so brutal, but now she was also able to interpret his words differently. She could hear his love for her, his protectiveness, his longing to make sure no one would ever hurt her again. And it worked; quietly Rodey turned around and walked away. As arrogant as he had been in the past; there was now fear gleaming in his eyes.

Only when Rodey had disappeared from sight, his grasp around her loosened. 

"He apologized," she said softly. Whether he was really sorry or just scared of Juan or his brother, was hard to tell. 

"Even if he would apologize a hundred times it's not gonna change what he did to you," he answered grimly. 

"Did he never press charges?"

Juan shook his head. "What should he say? That he was groping a girl at a party? That he was drunk and using drugs? He has no proof that we were involved, and he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut."

The look in his eyes was cold, his jaw tense. Suddenly he looked a lot like his brother, at the moment he attacked his mother. Because she didn't want him to go to class this upset, she stepped closer to him and pushed him gently against the lockers. She didn't like to kiss in public, but she sensed that Juan needed it and she wanted to see warmth in his eyes instead of this icy cold. 

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