50 - Choices

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With a sigh Emilio got up. "You're bein' paranoid man! You really think June would ever look at me again if I turned you over to your club?"

The fact that Juan was expecting him to do something so low, stung and even though he knew that everyone who he had trusted over the past few years had turned their backs on him, it didn't make it hurt less.

"I'm tryin' to help you man. You think yer gonna last much longer if ya keep livin' like this? Lookin' over your shoulder the whole time, and runnin' away every time a fuckin' shadow moves?" He walked toward Juan. He was still sitting on his bike, but he hadn't started the engine yet, his gaze focused on the handlebars. The muscles in his arms were tense and Emilio's glance rested upon the Reaper.

"We have to black out that tattoo."

"We ain't gonna do anything," Juan grumbled. He looked up, the hatred was flaring in his eyes. "There's no we and there never will be."

Emilio rolled his eyes. "You called me for a reason, Juan. What's the point in askin' for help if your just gonna reject it anyway?"

"I just needed a joint."

"Bullshit. You wanted advice about June and Rafi." His hands slipped into his pockets and he came to stand next to Juan. For some reason there was a weak feeling in his knees – a nervousness that he was unfamiliar with, his breath catching in his chest.

Juan sighed, glanced briefly at him and slid off his bike. His hands patted his pockets and Emilio sensed that he was looking for a cigarette, and offered him his own pack.

In silence Juan lit the cigarette and tucked away the pack in his own pocket.

Emilio realized that he should be the one starting a conversation as the silence descended; "Listen, we don't have to get you a new ID right now. As long as you're laying low and don't end up in the hospital or get into trouble with the cops you'll be fine. Why don't ya come stay at our house for a few days. Get to know your son a little, spend some time with us... I dunno, ease into the idea that there are still people who care about you. If you feel like you're ready for it, you tell Rafi that you're his father and if you come to the conclusion that you'd rather leave, you'll have at least tried. You don't have to put so much pressure on yourself."

Juan raised his eyebrows, giving him a dismissive look. "You really want me to sleep under the same roof as you?"

Emilio shrugged. "I won't even mind if you'd sleep in the same bed." He smirked. "You can't tell me you've never had a threesome in that clubhouse of yours."

"Yeah but not with guys," he answered, rolling his eyes.

They briefly looked at each other and for a short moment it seemed like Juan was lifting the corner of his mouth. Then his gaze turned dark again, like he had forgotten for a moment who was standing next to him – and what he had done.

"Do you even love her? The thought that she's been doin' it with someone else hurts, but you... every time it comes up you seem to think it's funny."

Emilio shrugged his shoulders. "Any other guy I woulda punched in the face if they'd touched June, but not you. Since the first time June and I kissed, I knew she still had feelings for you. Imagining the two of you having sex... it just feels natural." He grinned, with a shrug. "Just good porn to me cause that's hard to find these days."

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