Chapter 37: Mission- Aftermath

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AN: this is going to be a shorter chapter. I'll explain why at the end of the chapter.
Bakugo opened his clenched eyes, only to, once again, be surrounded by fog and mist. It enveloped him, engulfing his entire body, tying him up like a constrictor. His surroundings were dark and heavy, and his arms felt numb, unmoving.

Bakugo struggled weakly against his bounds in an attempt to escape, to no avail. Several feelings surrounded him, like the mist itself had that sense of feeling.


That's all it was. Apathy surrounded him, personifying the despair that this place contained. Beyond the raging torrents of air, stood the figures. They did not move away. They shifted, but remained frozen.

No words escaped Bakugos mouth, for even if he tried, his mouth was completely sealed shut. He could open his mouth in the slightest. He didn't have any idea on how he was breathing.

A ghostly voice echoed in the room, bouncing of the walls. It was a singular statement, just repeated over and over.

"Younger brother."

Younger brother? Who was 'younger brother'?

Bakugo turned back to the shadowed people, instead faced with a singular person, with the others receding away, hiding beyond the covers of the mist.

The figure approached him, everything except his lower head shadowed and covered. Bakugo squirmed, trying to get a better view of the person.

The figure pointed towards him, his hollow, emaciated cheeks smiling at him.

'Younger brother."


Bakugo lifted his eyelids that were plastered on his face. His mind was disorientated, and jumbled. He couldn't see much, instead focusing his attention on the subtle beeping that rang through his ears. He attempted to feel for his surroundings, but his arms were heavy, and unmoving.

Was he still in the dream?

Bakugo lifted his body, using only his back strength. His eyes began to adjust to the overwhelming blackness that surrounded the entire room. It was a hospital again, in a slightly smaller room. He was connected to less wires than before, though the IV was still implanted in his arm.

That was also new. His arms where in casts all the way up to his shoulders. He looked down at his leg, which had been propped up onto a pillow. That was covered in bandages. His chest was also covered in bandages.

His head stung painfully, causing him to hiss in pain. He felt up to his forehead, realising that there was a square piece of gauze or cotton tapped onto the left side of his forehead.

Bakugo still couldn't recount much. He remembered pain, and a lot of it at that. Someone was with him as well, but who?

Suddenly, the doors swung open, revealing a somewhat familiar face. She had pink skin and pink hair, with two minuscule horns poking out the front. Her face lit up, sticking her head out the door. "Guys! He's awake!"

Around 5 students burst through the door. Most with an entirely gleeful expression on their face. Bakugo focused as names popped into his head.

Sero, Mina, Uraraka, Iida and Kaminari all stood in the room looking at him happily.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Mina hugged him tightly, only to pull away as he hissed in pain. "Sorry! You've been asleep for a few days now. Everyone was worried sick."

"What happened? Tell us, Bakugo!" Iida cried out, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"I...I don't really know...I remember my head and arms hurting. And someone got hurt, but I can't remember who..."

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