Chapter 50: War- Thank you

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Waves crashed against each other, like a raging tempest engulfing fish, boats and sea life alike. As the water glistened from the blinding sun from high above, the seas shifted through an unbreakable course, creating ripples as the reflections danced across the ever-increasing waves.

The ferry's captain took to the wheel of the ship, steering it through a course that weaved through gaps in the high waves. The few other passengers gripped the sides of the rolling ship, some running back and forth between the deck to keep balance in check.

Inko and Hisashi held onto each other, with Hisashi holding onto the ferry's edge. Both held desperately to keep their balance, sometimes losing their footing under the slippery deck.

Hisashi was knocked back from a sudden crash into the ferry, pushing him to the ground with Inko following soon after. Inko coughed as she ducked her head from an oncoming onslaught of water that poured onto the ships deck.

"I don't get it! It's not even night and the waves are this high!" Inko cried out, peeling herself of her husband but sticking close to the ground while gripping the edge.

"It may be one of Izuku's plans! One of his men may have a quirk that can change the tide or wind!"

"But why?!"

"To keep the American military out and stop people leaving!"

"What do we do?!"

"I don't know!"

Inko clenched her eyes shut, panicked thoughts racing through her mind. She knew it would be near impossible to get into Japan due to the war, but a torrential storm?

She couldn't do this.

She was going to die.


"Izuku? What happened?!"

Inko ran to her son, who was covered in bruises and dirt. His uniform was slightly torn and dusty, but he walked in with the beaming smile he always had plastered on his face.

"I'm okay! Just an incident with some of the bullies in the park. They were attacking this elementary school kid, so I tried to stop them."

"Who? Do you know them?"

"Yeah, they are from my class. Don't worry, it was a one time thing!"

Inko frowned, inspecting Izukus wounds with a slight upset. Inko took her sons hand, leading him to the sofa, where she sat him down. Then, she went to the cupboard in the bathroom, taking some plasters, cotton balls and hydrogen peroxide and walked back to her son.

Izuku raised an eyebrow as Inko approached him, laughing slightly. "I don't need to be disinfected."

Inko chuckled, looking over his body. "Well, you have quite a few scrapes and cuts. Considering how dirty you are, I'm not taking any chances."

Inko poured a small amount of disinfectant onto the cotton ball, placing it onto Izuku's face as he recoiled slightly with a hiss. Inko frowned. "Izuku, this wont take long, okay?"

Izuku sighed, wincing sligtly as the ball was placed on his cheek again. "Why did you involve yourself in the fight? You know aren't fit for that kind of fight."

Inko saw Izuku tense, sending shivers of sympathy through her system. "Well...I couldn't just do nothing. I had to help him, because no-one else was."

"Even so, I don't want you getting hurt."

"I know. But, if I don't help them, then they will get hurt."

Inko sighed, placing the last plaster on his face and patting his head. Chuckling slightly, she said "Sometimes I really don't know what I would do without you."

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