Chapter 53: War- Despairity and Death

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As the moon fell solemnly below the horizon, the first day of the war concluded its frightful time. As building lay demolished in the rubble and bombs rained from the sky, people became displaced, wandering the remains of homes and memories which lay dead and buried beneath the rubble.

No layer of dust could cover the depths of the horror that was bestowed upon Tokyo that day. While Villians reigned over the rubble, corpses were left hidden away under the layers of death.

Total death toll estimate was at 20,000 and the injury estimate was borderlining 500,000.

Bakugo sat with Kirishima before the makeshift fireplace, a soft glow reflecting onto their faces. The heat radiating of the quiet flame brought in comfort nor warmth, as the atrocities that occurred that day left them scarred and anxious.

In front of them where a couple other students. Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Sero, Mineta and Momo stared at the flame as well, not one having any interest in conversation. They were all at one of the many survivor camps set up around the borders of Tokyo. Masutafu was beyond destroyed, no remnant of the once prosperous town remain beneath the fires that burned brightly.

Kirishima had become lost in thought, the previous sense of confidence grew dimmer with each hour that passed on. His eyes lay overcast in shadows, as the hopeful demeanor lay scorched and burned in the campfire as the realisation of their situation grew more and more apparent. Their class were scattered across the country, and some were missing. Bakugo sighed heavily, standing up groggily. "I'm going to get some water. You coming with me?"

None of them replied, instead stared silently into the fire. Bakugo rolled his eyes, walking away from the group with his hands in his pockets.

They were all exhausted, beyond that if possible. With little food to go around, the population began to suffer from hunger and fatigue, especially with heroes. Despite this, they continued to do rounds around Tokyo throughout the night looking for survivors. It became difficult to transport such a vast quantity of injured people to the makeshift infirmary, as the terrain grew gradually more and more dangerous.

"Katsuki Bakugo? You're from class 1A Correct?"

Bakugo whirled around to face a hero with cuts cascading his entire body. There was also a significant burn on his arm. "Yeah? Why?"

"Please come with me."

The hero lead him into the infirmary, which was filled with groans and screams, especially with the children. Doctors and nurses rushed around to try and get to all the people within the tent to little success a lot of the time. The hero lead him to a bed containing one student. He had burns all up his left side, as well as bandages wrapped around his chest. Bakugo's eyes went wide as the two made eye contact.


Todoroki raised a singular arm to give a small wave. He didn't exactly look well per say. His eyes looked half dead as they stared back at the blonde. Bakugo approached the makeshift bed, tentatively at first, all the while screams echoed out behind him.

"Hey Bakugo...". His voice was hoarse and strained, to the point where he sounded practically mute. His breathing was irregular, as the rise and collapse of his chest came with it a jarring feeling. "Jesus, what happened to you?"

"One of the villians..."

"Well, they certainly screwed you over."

"Tell me about it..."

Bakugo looked over his shoulder, witnessing all the horrific injuries around the tent. "Is it always like this in here?"

"We get new people every half hour or so...some on the verge of death in some yeah, it pretty much is..."

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