Chapter 14: Run

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Izuku froze, his eyes darting from the blondes face to the floor. Bowing his head, he prayed that he didn't recognise him. Izuku knew that it was Bakugo. It didn't take much for him to remember the scowl that was perminantly fixated on his face.


Bakugo looked down at the boy, eyes wide as thoughts raced through his mind. He knew it was Izuku. He couldn't mistake the jade green eyes and little dots that littered his face. He opened his mouth, yet no words dared to leave his throat. He looked at the hooded teenager, shaking slightly.

Before he could say anything, he heard a slight mumble of a "sorry" before the boy tried to run. However, Bakugos reactions kicked in, grabbing Izukus wrist, stopping him in his tracks. Grabbing onto his shoulder, he spun him around so he could get a closer look at the boy who had been missing for a week.

It didn't take long for him to see how different he looked. It wasn't just that his hair was a different style which made him look slightly less scruffy. His eyes were more dull and serious, beneath them were eye bags which were more obvious in the light. His cheek where slightly hollowed with slightly paler skin. He certainly didn't look well. His clothes were another matter, stained and ripped in some areas. Where the hell had he been?

"Deku, what the hell?!" Bakugo started, his voice slightly louder that standard speaking. "You've been missing for a week!". The boy didn't respond, merely pulling away and avoiding eye contact. Bakugo gritted his teeth. Again..? He was still ignoring him?! "DEKU, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YO-!"

"do not call me that"


Bakugo was startled by the boy interrupting him. Izuku looked up, looked him dead in the eye and repeated himself. "Do not call me that."

Bakugo could see that something had changed. He was gone for a week so anything could have happened but....this serious demeanor that he had was certainly not what he had expected.

He didn't know what he expected actually.

He had caught the boy, but now what? Take him to the police? His mother? How would he even take him there? He couldn't exactly drag him.

"Let me go."


"Get the fuck off of me"

Bakugos eyes widened. Something was definitely off. Izuku never swore. Not even when he was burning him, kicking him or punching him, he never swore.

"Not going to happen, Deku."


Izuku gritted his teeth. That fucking name again. He had to get out of there. He couldn't hurt Bakugo here, not right outside a shop. At any rate, the clerk must have called to police by now. He had to go.

"Dont call me that!"

"What the hell are you talking abo-"

Bakugos statement was interrupted by Izuku yanking his arm out of Bakugos reach, before sprinting away. His only issue was that Bakugo was far more physically adept that him so the only way he could lose his was by confusing him.

Izuku ran in and out of alleys, buildings and parks. Izuku knew the area better than Bakugo, giving him the advantage. Bakugo was still gaining on him though. His speed alongside his quirk made it difficult to out run the blonde.

Izuku could hear sirens distantly, screaming their headache-inducing song. Izuku had to now avoid Bakugo and the nearby police force.

No other options available, he brought out his phone, dialing Kurogiri. It would slow him down but at that point he had no choice.

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