Chapter 3: Pondering

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The blaring of Izukus alarm sounded and rang through out his room. With a slight heave of his body he whacked his hand down on the buzzer, shutting it off. Izuku yawned, wiping the sleep from his eyes. As he gained his mind back from his peaceful sleep, he recounted what occurred the day before.


It was just after the meeting with Shigaraki. Izuku sat -covered by a all might blanket- on his bed, gripping his shoulders in thought. His room was covered wall to wall in All Might merchandise which he collected over the years. If he took it down, his mum would question him. After all, he had loved All Might his whole life.

His mother reprimanded him for skipping school, to which Izuku replied half-heartedly and went to his room. Izuku had no idea how to react to what had just occurred. Join a league of villians? He had never heard of a league like that. And what information did they need? They would have no way of knowing about his hero analysis, they met a few hours ago. Questions swirled his mind and he fell asleep.


While putting on his middle school uniform, he considered their offer. What would happen if he did accept? Would he become a villian? What would they make him do? Not only was his mind on the league or what ever it was, but also Bakugo.

"He's gunna murder me." He chuckled. Izuku knew that he missed a day off school, which may or may not have pissed the pretentious, self-assured asshole."Maybe he should join this league, not me."

Izuku left his God-forsaken room and went to the dinner table. His mother frowned at him as she gave him his breakfast.

"You will go to school today right? I don't have to drop you off to make sure?" She spoke, with a sense of intimidation.

"No-no I'll go. I just... wasn't feeling well enough to go to school and I didn't want to worry you."

"Well answer your phone next time please."

"I will" Izuku said, beaming. After finishing his breakfast he put on his shoes."I'm leaving. Love you!"

"Love you too sweetie!" With that, Izuku closed the door and headed to school, paying close attention as to avoid the path that Bakugo would take. He really didn't want to deal with him today.


Luckily, Bakugo was later that usual, turning up to first period a few minutes late - merely giving a hand a wave when faced by the teachers questions. Izuku looked up at Bakugo, only to be met with a sneer and a threatening look. Izuku knew he was screwed, he bowed his head back down almost praying for a savior of some kind.


"EH?! I'm asking where the fuck you were  shit nerd!" Bakugo practically yelled toward the shivering boy. Izuku was doing everything to ignore him. Avoid eye contact. Do anything to not be attacked again. This only seemed to piss Bakugo off even more. He always had a short temper but today he really seemed like he was going to kill whoever's crossed his path.

"I-I wasn't feeling well, Kacchan."

"That's bullshit. You and I know damn well you were trying to get out of coming here. Trying to avoid me Deku?!"

"N-no! I was just...I wasn't well enough to come in ok?" This wasn't a complete lie. Izuku didn't think his brain could take being there any longer. Which this was merely proving.

His reply was met with a smack on the desk, accompanied by a small explosion, leaving a dark circle on the already scarred desk. Izuku jumped slightly in his seat." Fuck you Deku. I don't even know what your doing here anymore. Don't you see that no-one wants a shit-faced crybaby like you here? Go take you damn dream and throw it of the building. Better yet with you with it. Not like anyone would care."

Bakugo turned to the door, going to meet up with his 'friends' for lunch.
"Remeber Deku. You're nothing compared to me."

Then he left.

Left the shivering boy in his misery.

"Maybe you're right Kacchan." Izuku looked up out the window. "No one would care. Especially the heroes you  admire so freaking much."

Izuku rose, approaching the window, conveniently facing the park where he first met Shigaraki. His shivering calmed, his thoughts reconnected

"Fuck this damn society where people find safety in prejudice." Gripping the window silk tightly he threw his head up, almost in defiance.

He had the chance to change it. Physically he could do nothing. However, what if he could help another way...Information was easy to gather right? Who cares what information. Who cares who Shigaraki was or if he was even trust worthy. Better than this damn place that's for sure. Shigaraki had given him a chance to save the world from the corrupt hero syndicate.

Saturday. Saturday he would meet Shigaraki and give his answer.

He would change everything.

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