Chapter 56: War- Connected individuals

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The bold, broad figure looming over Inko sent chills racing down her spine. The muscular build was illuminated by the rising sun causing the blood stained rocks to shimmer with an encapsulating shine. The All Might nomu stood high about Inko, its inconceivable power radiating from its body.

Yet, there was something different about this Nomu and the original All Might. It didn't radiate the same power as he once did when alive. He seemed not weaker, rather twisted, like his power was converted into something else.

Like the power was no longer his own.

Inko raised her arms to her side, the rocked circling her like a protective shield. She didn't have much range with her quirk, so she had to be careful to remain close by to any ammo.

All of a sudden, the All Might Nomu began shrieking, its deep, gruff voice echoing across the rubble, reverberating across the rock currently held around her. The shockwaves almost sent Inko to the ground, though she stood tall.

In a fit of frustration, she focused the stones into a single point, a ball of stones that congregated into a spinning mass just in front of her. Raising the palm of her hand just behind it, she released the mass, creating a stone laser that fired at All Might. The stone pierced through the beast, creating a giant hole in his chest. Inko sighed as the Nomu stumbled, almost falling back from the force of the stones.

However, as he nearly fell, his back arched, forcing him to slowly rise back upward. Inko watched in horror as the Nomu began to regenerate its flesh back to it's original place. She watched, wide-eyed, as the Nomu returned to his original stance, now fully recovered.

She quivered slightly as the Nomu once again made his way towards Inko, its strides shaking the earth beneath it with great ferocity. There was no way to beat All Might when he was alive. How could she when he was the equivalent of a super powered zombie?

Inko shuddered beneath the weight of All Mights presence until he stood just metres in front of her. His shadow overcasted her, until she was enveloped in darkness under the towering figure of the Nomu.

This was it.

She was going to die.

"Well, it's been a while."

Inko eyes were wide in absolute shock as she stumbled from the ground. Her eyes were utterly fixated on the figure sitting, rather calmly, on her sons windowsill. It was a boy, black fluffy hair peeking out from the grim mask covering his face. He bore a green dress shirt, hidden by a dark suitvest. Protruding from the mask was this brilliant red from the depths of the eyes.

Inko froze as the figure jumped from the windowsill with ease. "You know, I really didn't think I would ever see you again."

Inko watched in awe, tears pricking at the side of her eyes as the figure removed the mask, presenting a familiar freckled face. Inko covered her mouth in relief as she looked over the boy, who was, in reality, he missing son.

In a fit of desperation, she bolted towards Izuku, embracing him tightly. "I knew it! I knew you couldn't be the villian!"

Izuku didn't hug her back, merely tensed at the sudden embrace. "I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried when you went missing! Where have you been!?"

Izuku pulled away from the hug, walking over to his desk, placing a hand on it. "You know, this whole this started when I met All Might. This pillar of greatness who I thought was unbeatable. The embodiment of hope."

Inko approached Izuku, a concerned look on her eye as she placed a hand on her son. "What are you-?"

"Then I learned what I never should have. The injury that left All Might vulnerable. The wound on his stomach that left him weaker. Finally, I had found something to relate to. Someone who could tell me how to be strong when weak."

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