Chapter 13: Trying

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Bakugo lay on the bed, his chest rising up and down, attempting to regain control of his breath. His heart raced, pounding like it was trying to escape the grasp of his ribs. Gripping his shirt slightly, he sighed shakily and looked at his clock. It was 2 in the morning. He sat up, steadying himself as he went to the kitchen for some water.

Wiping the cold sweat that had formed on his forehead, he placed the glass down, taking a large breath after. It had been several months since the incident, yet the pain he felt never seemed to go away.

The scorching, burning sensation engulfing his entire body as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He was lucky that his body was resistant to burns, otherwise he was sure his body would be covered.

When he woke in the hospital after the incident, he was hooked up to wires, machines and other boxes making loud whirling noises. Heroes came in, describing his bravery and how incredible his quirk was. The news stations described how he managed to fend off the slime villian for as long as he could.

Since hearing these claims since he was a child, he learned to tune some of it out. It wasn't like he needed to hear that he was great. Though, despite this, the news also talked about how he was in the hospital due to 'battle injuries'. The very claim made him grit his teeth. He was in the hospital due to Izukus rash actions.

Izuku. The boys face was now on the news, but not for what he did, but for the fact that he disappeared a week ago, leaving no trace or any information proving his existence. The police's case began to go cold and due to Izukus quirkless nature and a well-spring of new cases, they began to lose interest, favouring cases that involved heroes or quirks.

Many assumed he ran away, in guilt for what he did to Bakugo. Others suspect that he took his life due to the constant harassment. The media painted his class as bullies, but went on to describe their 'guilt'.

Though, in the classroom, little to no-one expresses their sympathy. Most said how he deserved it or that it was his fault. Even their teacher didn't address it to the class, only to a select few did he talk to, including Bakugo.

Over time, people stopped talking about it. Over time they stopped theorizing. Over time they lost interest. Over one week, most lost interest in what happened to Izuku. Like they forgot he ever existed.

In Bakugos case, he still hated Izuku. Nothing could change how weak the boy made him feel that day. Nothing could change the irritating nature the boy had. Bakugo hated Izuku whole-heartedly.

Yet he was still curious. What happened to the boy that admired him so much? He refused the idea of him being dead. He refused the idea that he ran away from his mother, who was rarely seen outside her house anymore. He couldn't think of many other possibilities. He considered the idea that he was abducted, possible for ransom with his father being a CEO of a large American company.

Bakugo sat back down in his room, looking at the ceiling. He was trying to forget Izuku. But the years they spent together, the injuries Bakugo gave him. It wasn't guilt that prevented him from forgetting. If he was honest, he didn't know why...

But he sure as hell was trying....


Izuku sat at the bar, Shigaraki being nowhere to be found. In front of him was Kurogiri, his back facing towards Izuku making a drink of sorts. Izuku was stuck in a hazy daydream of sorts, remembering his life during middle school. Everything he had endured in those years. He didn't know how he managed to hold onto hope for as long as he did. How he kept managing to believe in the heroes that scorned him to the point where he nearly gave up.

His thoughts were cut short by a cup being slide over to him. He looked up at Kurogiri one eyebrow raised. "Its coffee. Drink" Kurogiri retreated to the room behind the bar, in his hands where various binders and papers filled with reports from other factions.

Izuku picked up a drink and took a sip, cringing slightly from the bitter taste and the heat. Turning on the TV, he saw news stations broadcasting this years UA sports festival, which ended a few months back. Being the person he was, he took out a notebook and began to make notes on the students, as he lost motivation to do it when the actual event happened. He was impressed by the variety of quirks displayed. Shape-shifting, condensing the atmospheres moisture into water for a challenge round, extended sensory abilities. UA high was a hive for powerful quirks and abilities, which why he assumed Shigaraki wanted to target it.

"You doing your homework,Deku?"

Izuku whirled round to see Shigaraki, his own coffee cup on hand. Did he not learn from his mistake yesterday? "Don't call me that." Izuku spat whirling back round on his seat to face the TV.

"Hey, you didn't try to cut my throat. Progress..."

"Fuck off..."

Shigaraki looked at the monitor on the TV. He mumbled a slight whatever before sitting down on the sofa facing towards Izuku. "You didnt answer me yesterday."


"You never told me about Bakugo."

"Are you serious right now? Did you not learn from yesterday? I don't want to talk about that asshole."

"Fine Deku."

"Jesus christ, Shigaraki"

Kurogiri opened the door, cleaning his throat slightly, as a sign to shut up. "Izuku, go to the store."

"Umm what happened to 'incognito'?"


Huffing slightly, Izuku got up, took the money from Kurogiris hands. "What do you want?"

"Alcohol and anything you want I guess."


"Look kid, you're not buying alcohol. Come back in a few years or so.". The clerk looked at the boy. Izuku was lucky he took casual clothes with him, it made his identity as a villian less obvious. "Fine".

The clerks eyes widened as the young boy slammed the knife blade into the counter, dangerously near his fingers. Scared and shock, the clerk ran to the staff room.

"Huh... that makes this easier.". As he said this, he turned and walked out the store bags in hand before bumping in to a taller person

"Hey watch it!" Izuku said startled, looking up to see a head of ashy blonde hair and ruby red eyes.

"Oh fuck..."

Authors note:
Heya. Before I say anything i just want to thank you all for reading this story. People are also voting on this which I mean


But seriously i just wanna thank ya.

Also cliff hanger. Your welcome.

Good bye my dudes

Behind a mask [Villian Deku]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon