Chapter 52: War- Differences between us

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An: Thank you to quiteboringreally46 for the edit above :)
Look at this boy.
"Heroes are the basis of Justice"

"Villians are the incarnation of hatred."

"Together they form an eternal cycle of war, death and parallelism. Where there is one, there is always the other. "

Bakugo and Izuku listened intently to the TV, practically inches away from the blaring screen. It was a documentary on heroes and villians that Mitsuki had put on for the two. Izuku didnt understand many of the words, so Bakugo had to explain. After all, with him being 5, he didn't know a lot of things.

"Heroes and Villians exist in a world separate to each other. Villians in dark shadows, heroes in glorious light. For you see, Villians are heartless people, using their quirks for selfish, incomprehensible reasons. Heroes are the opposite. The beacons of hope and selflessness. They exist to help the weak and be the strong."

Izuku tilted his head in a slight confusion. "Hey, Kacchan?"


"What about people who hurt others for good reasons? Like Robin hood?"

Bakugo gripped his chin, his knees curled up in a blanket. "I guess...they would be heroes. If they help more than they hurt, then they are heroes. They also take down the bad guys."

"Okay...what about bad heroes? Like, heroes that want to be heroes for their own gain?"

"They would be villians."

Izuku nodded, turning back to the documentary. Heroes and Villians. The duality between the two.

They seemed so different when they were young, like opposite sides of the coin. But he knows better now, they are essentially the same, heroes and villians. The fine line between them existed to give society a false sense of security.

It was his job to break that.


Sunlight barely broke through the cracks of ash and gas. No amount of light could fix the despair and desperation from the ground below, even if it could find away to save those below. Salvation lay lightyears away in this hell, after all.

Yet, one building stood high about the rubble of the others. A singular building moderated the warzone below; slightly scorned and burned. It remained as a symbol of hope. A building that would act as a reason to rebuilt the hell below.

Yet, it was the perfect martyr for despair.

Kirishima gazed on the building above, a singular doorway bidding entrance. A glass entrance with cracks and chips which would soon collapse into the varied amount  of debris and destruction below.

Rumbles rained down from the higher floors of the skyscraper, bringing with it a cloud of dust. He frowned as he entered the building with tentative steps. His anxiety rose as the thought of the building collapsing onto him elevated his fear. Every step he took brung with it a shiver and a wave of fright, as his breathing quickened as he walked up the concrete stairs.

No matter what, he would find him.

He had to.

He needed to save Bakugo and defeat Izuku.

Even if he died in the process.


Bakugo knew this wouldn't be easy.

It was obvious the moment he stepped in the building that he was at a huge disadvantage. First, this was Izuku's terrain. He had mapped out the area to a T, which proved useful in maneuvers and surprise attacks.

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