Chapter 43: Gone Missing

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It was strange.

With everything going on.

A giant mastermind had infiltrated UA high, Uraraka had been convicted as guilty of treason against heroes and had been sent to a high security jail. Kaminari had become mentally scarred, constantly going on about how he was going to die and Kirishima had no signs of improvement.

And Bakugo was still missing.

It had been 3 months or so since Uraraka had been taken away. Things had changed a lot in just three months. The remaining students had to be guarded by heroes at all times, an official search for Izuku had been declared, racking up around 1000 heroes to look for the mastermind, security at UA had to be overturned and replaced. That's not even mentioning the effect on the students.

They were all paranoid, reclusive and divided. Half were feverishly on Kaminari's side, who swore that Uraraka had betrayed them, and the others were on Bakugo's side which completely disagreed with the idea of her being a traitor. They became reluctant to use their quirks, out of fear that they would be targeted and didn't rely on anyone.

Todoroki was on Bakugo's side. He had talked to Uraraka during the party they had when Bakugo was discharged. She seemed to be genuine towards them. And her argument with Izuku at the USJ couldn't have been staged or faked, it just seemed to real.

Todoroki walked around UA's dorms, deep in thought as he recounted what had happened. He despised being in the dorms, as the entire building had broken out into a civil war. Constant yelling and arguments broke out among friends. It was a nightmare.

If this is what Izuku planned, he did a damn good job.

But it wasn't just UA that had been affected by the League of Villians. Various hero agencies had reported break ins and reported stolen files and information, one came from his own father's agency. Crime rates had begun skyrocketing, as people began to turn to Izuku's side out of fear they would be targeted.

Basically, he had taken the world hostage.

If he was honest, Todoroki didn't know what to think. How could he react to this display of rebellion? All his life, he had been abused and neglected by the so called number one hero. So when someone had stepped forward, going against the heroes and their beliefs, it was hard to comprehend. All of the years he had wished his father gone, at worst dead, but here was someone who may actually get rid of him. Kill him, because of his position.

And he didn't know what to think of that.

It just seemed like, Izuku had too much influence. Too much power. It seemed impossible to stand against a force like that. So how would they? How would they even be able to defeat him?

It was terrifying.

Especially considering how they were the same age.

Todoroki sat on a tree stump, contemplating what he was going to do. He wanted nothing more than to delete the message. But if he wanted to destroy Izuku, find Bakugo and save everyone, then he really had no choice.

He sent the message to his father, it was brief and straight to the point, but that was the kind of person he was. He would save everyone. Even if it meant going back to that mans training. Even if it meant suffering over and over and over again. He would do it.

"Teach me how to use my flames."

It really was the best chance he had.

She felt like she had forgotten something important.

Like a lingering thought pervaded her mind, unable to escape.

Inko sat on the sofa in deep thought, scratching the back of her head. She had moved to America not to long ago to be with her husband. Though he had worked long hours, he still came back with a smile on his face.

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