Chapter 10: All Mights weakness

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If he was being honest, Izuku loved the expression on Shigaraki's face. It looked like a mix of absolute shock and intrigue. Shigarki looked him dead in the eye, edging him to continue. Though Izuku wasn't going to forget Shigaraki's previous statements.
"Thanks asshole. I just cleaned that." Izuku said nonchalantly, indicating to the drink Shigaraki almost sprayed on him. Shigaraki rolled his eyes, tapping the bar table lightly with his finger.

In return, Izuku picked up a cup and began to dry it. "What? I thought that you didn't think I knew anything. I guess my information is useless to you..."

Shigaraki squinted his eyes, clearly offended by Izuku's sarcastic attitude. "Listen deku. If you know something about All Might, y-"

Shigarakis sentence was cut off by a swift blade landing in the gap between his index and middle finger. Startled, Shigaraki pulled away, almost instinctively. "Do not call me that...". Izuku retracted his pocket knife and placed it back into his pocket. Picking the glass back up, he looked at Shigaraki, still unnerved by the sudden attack that nearly sliced off his finger.

"It's his body." Shigaraki tilted his head slightly, his eyebrow cocked up slightly displaying an expression of confusion. Izuku, in return, rolled his eyes and continued as Shigaraki sat back down warily.

"He has a wound on the left side of his chest. He told me it affected his respiratory system and that he can only keep his muscular physique for around 3 hours at most. It could also be used as a weak spot to target if you need to defeat him quickly."

Shigaraki's eyes widened slightly, nodding his head in response to Izukus claims. "Wait, he told you?"

Izuku sighed heavily. "As much as I hate to say, he saved me from the villian I mentioned a while ago. When he tried to leave, I grabbed him and accidentally saw his weakened form, All Might explained it to me more in depth. Honestly, he looks like a glorified skeleton when he's weaker."

Shigaraki smiled again, the corners of his lips curling into a childish grin. By this point, Izuku had gotten used to this unsightly appearance that Shigaraki displayed. Izuku put the glass down onto a shelf below the bar, drying his hands slightly on his trouser before leaving his position.

"That's all I have to give you for today Shigaraki, I'm heading to the rooms." Shigaraki didn't reply, instead he merely continued to smile. Odd but not too out of character. Izuku left the bar, heading off to the apartments where he was staying.

The apartments were not to far away, maybe a two minute walk or so. He often was given weird looks due to his attire though most people believed he was cosplaying or some shit like that. He always wore a coat when he was out with the hood up, which allowed his recognisable green hair to be covered. He brought the coat with him when he left home. The apartments, however, where from Shigaraki's 'master' as he said, who used a old apartment block that was abandoned to hide members of the association. How he got it in the first place, he had no idea.


Izuku collapsed onto the bed in the singular room he occupied. All around his was screaming or yelling of some kind and distant music could be heard. It was quiet enough that it couldn't be heard from outside but loud enough to piss Izuku off. When he first came to the rooms, he was terrified to put it frankly. All he had known was his mother's apartment consisting on respectful neighbours. Now he was with thugs and thieves with no quirk to defend himself. Though at this point, Izuku managed to block it all out.

Despite being in the league for only a week, his mind had become desensitized to violence and death. A few days ago, he saw a body in the alleyway leading to the apartments. The persons body has been strewn on the floor with a variety of wounds and lacerations from an unknown assailant. Yet Izuku didn't feel fear. It was more like curiosity. He wondered who did it and if their quirk allowed them to paralyze them so they could do this. Then he just left it there, mumbling theories on different ways the murder could have played out. It wasn't the first time seeing a body and he doubted it was the last.

Though he had to wonder if he would have to do anything like that. Would he have to kill someone? He had never done any direct violence against someone, let alone kill them. Though as time went on, he realise he was becoming more and more extreme with his approaches. Like when he came close to slicing of Shigaraki's fingers. A week ago, he never thought he could do anything like that. Yet here he was, in a mouldy room listening to the screams and cries above him. It was almost like his old personality became a mask he wore in public, especially if anyone greeted him. It was a major issue as the fear of  being recognised was a issue Izuku had to deal with every day.

"Maybe I should dye my hair." He said aloud to no one in particular. "Maybe wear contacts."

He wondered what his mother was doing. His phone had been blowing up with calls and messages from his mother and anyone who really knew him, not that there were many. He just muted his phone, annoyed by the constant vibrations echoing through his pocket. He noticed that recently the calls had been less frequent. Maybe they were giving up, losing hope? He still recieved a minimum of 15 calls from his mother, which was inconvenient but what can you do?

Bakugo didn't call or anything. Izuku wasn't surprised, hell he didn't know why he had his number in the first place. His mom said it was for 'safety reasons' whatever that meant. Bakugo was the least likely person that would help Izuku if there was such a crisis.

"Kacchan's an ass. All Mights an ass. They are all asses." Izuku muttered to himself. Whether he was serious, he had no idea.

He checked his phone again. 11:48 pm. Dammit...He was supposed to meet Kurogiri at 6am. Apparently for 'training'.

"I swear to god if it is more 'cleaning sessions', I will stab his eyes." Izuku had long since realised that he was beginning to act more and more like Bakugo which he both loved and hated. Izuku loved seeing Shigaraki's pissed of expressions and Kurogiri's squinted eye smoke things. But he also hated Bakugo so there was that.

"I don't know. I'm not turning into Kacchan..."

Izuku set an alarm for 5.30, as to make sure he woke up as to not to piss Kurogiri off . Lord knows he needed more lectures. He then shut his eyes and fell asleep, drowing out the nonsense that was happening upstairs.


"You know Kurogiri, I'm not exactly a morning person." Izuku sat at the bar, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Izuku had found it extremely difficult to not ignore his alarm and actually get up. His phone was currently charging on the other side of the room as Izuku forgot to do it the night before.

Kurogiri grunted in reply, not listening to Izukus snarky muttering as he opened a portal. "In. Now". Izuku rose up, groggily, and walked though the portal, closing his eyes so he wasn't as disoriented when he reached the other side. When he opened his eyes, he looked around, eying his surroundings.

He was in an office of sorts, with a desk and two sets of tables in the room. To the sides where an array of bookcases, with the spines of the books having all different thicknesses and heights. The carpet was a murky green with black accents running through it. To be honest, Izuku wasn't really a fan.

Kurogiri tapped Izuku of the shoulder, indicating to him to sit down. Still slightly confused, Izuku complied silently, still looking at the unfamiliar space.

"Hey Kurogiri. Why are we here? Is this the training you talked about?"

"Yes. This is your training for information gathering. Now shut up"

It wasn't long before a loud knock ran through the room as the doors swung open, revealing a man standing in the doorway, a faint hint of smoke parading through the room.

Who the hell was this?

Authors note:
Ok good talk

Have a good day my dudes.

Behind a mask [Villian Deku]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin