Chapter 57: War- One final decision

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Blasts of energy circled around the entire ground, fields of wind circulating around as a constant hurricane ravaged the ground below. Bakugo kept back and forth, attempting to stay on the inside of the eye of the storm, keeping his gaze focused solely on him.

Izuku smiled, raising his palm and flattening it down. Bakugo felt a weight floor him, sending him hurtling into the ground. Struggling to move under the heightened gravity, Bakugo activated one for all in his arms and legs, propelling himself off the floor at a rate that became outside the range of Izuku's quirk. 

It was hard to even call him that anymore, his childhood friend, now a possessed villain overlord. However, calling him all for one just felt wrong after everything that had happened. After everything Bakugo associated with that appearance, it just didn't feel right. Even so, at that time, the person in there wasn't Izuku. 

Bakugo leapt at him, using his explosions to create complex movements in order to confuse All for One. All for one jumped back, eager about how maneuverable his new body was, raising an arm on order to completely block his attack, sending his own directly at Bakugo. Bakugo leaned his head, dodging the said attack. then delivered a punch straight to All for One’s gut. 

All for one reeled, staggering backwards as he reclaimed his balance. While spitting out a bit of blood, he smiled, looking up at Bakugo with a slight grin. "Of course you would be fine with hurting me while in your friend’s body." Bakugo shivered, the nerve-grinding sound of different pitches stabbing him in the back. "That's if you can even call each other friends anymore, after what you did. Sort of ironic how Izuku became a villain after a misunderstanding concerning the incident with you. You even believed their story as well. Quite pathetic."

Bakugo grimaced, staring daggers at All for one. "Well, you were supposed to be his mentor, right? A bit sadistic to do this to your student wouldn't you say?"

All for one tutted, walking towards Bakugo. "Once again, you are incorrect. I raised him for this day, where he could repay the favor I did to him by taking him in. Izuku was a better option to take over than Shigaraki, in his current state that is. It's one of the reasons I had Izuku kill him, to strengthen his resolve. Besides, eventually, a quirk will seek out it's original owner when split. It makes the reconnecting of the two much easier."

"So you used him?"

All for one chuckled, wiping the blood from his mouth. "You could say that. Although, I would rather not hear that from you."

All for One clicked his fingers towards Bakugo, a gust of air flying towards him as bullets of wind struck him on his guarded arms. Bakugo breathed heavily, catching himself before he fell to the ground. "What about Kurogiri?"

"Hmm? What about him?"

"Did you not think of the consequences when you killed Shigaraki? Kurogiri certainly wasn't pleased about it."

"'Consequences'. I hate the word. You preach about consequences when you never consider the benefits. Who cares if one or two have to suffer? How about the thousands that have benefited from Shigaraki's death. No, I don't dwell on the ‘consequences.’ He was completely expendable."

Bakugo gritted his teeth, charging at All for One with such aggression that the floor beneath him gave out. All for one caught his attack, a field of energy surrounding them as Bakugo continued to struggle. "How dare you. How dare you treat your allies like that!"

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