Chapter 24

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Nightmare's POV:

"Wanna go watch TV?" Ruru asked, looking up at me.

"Heh. Sure love." I replied, kissing his skull again. 

I watched him giggle cutely. I lead him to the couch and grabbed the remote. I sat him on my lap and turned on the TV.

"So what do you want to watch cutie~?" I purred, making him giggle again.

"Frozen?" Error replied.

"Sure love~." I responded, turning on Frozen.

We watched through the movie until the credits.

"So Love~. What do you want to do now~?" I questioned.


What should Error say?

A: Get food

B: Other (Suggest)

Note: The reason I keep on mentioning food is because Error is pregnant and those who are pregnant need to eat more.

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