Chapter 5:

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Most voted:
Red: A
Maple: B
This'll be interesting.

Nightmare's POV:

I watched as Maple moved himself to reveal he was awake.

"So how long have you been awake Maple?" Red asked. I quietly chuckled.

"The entire time..." Maple admitted. "I didn't want to interrupt your guy's conversation..."

"At least we don't have to explain it to you again." I hummed. I started petting Error again once he nuzzled my hand in his sleep.

"Question. How long are we staying here?" Maple questioned, sitting upright.

"As long as it takes for your wounds to heal. While you both passed out from the impact, Error wants all of your wounds healed before you left." I replied.

"No use arguing, is there?" Red sighed.

"Nope. After all, a pregnant skeleton is already worried about you." I answered, nodding down to Error.

"He's pregnant?" Red and Maple exclaimed in shock. I smirked.

"Yup," I responded.

"Nighty?" Ruru muttered sleepily, looking up at me.

"Yes, love?" I asked.

"What's going on?" Ruru questioned.


What should Nightmare do?

A: Say that Fell and Maple are freaking out due to finding out about the child.

B: Say that he was talking to Fell and Maple.

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