Chapter 13

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I'll try to add your idea into it Fawnkat. Also, this story will go on up till I start school (The 20th) so expect it to have a rushed ending. I didn't plan ahead. Also, I have the next story planned and I am in love with it! I'll write a poem in the book it belongs in after this chapter!

Nightmare's POV:

"Well if you want I can ask Sci to come here..." Ink suggests. I look at my boyfriend. I have no idea what will happen to our child... I sighed.

"Fine. Call Sci. But on some conditions." I replied.

"Yes?" Ink questions.

"I want to be able to have one of us in the room at all times, as well as any changes to who all is brought here or if we absolutely need to move somewhere to be run through me. Also no attacking anybody." I answered.

"Of course. I'll go call Sci." Ink states, leaving the room.

"Nightmare. The rest of us are going to head back to the mansion, but if you want one of us can stay. Is there anyone you want to stay here?" Killer asked.


Who will Nightmare choose?

A: Horror

B: Killer

C: Dust

D: Cross

E: None.

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