Chapter 1

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Red's POV:

I had my head in my hands as I watched the snowfall from my sentry station. I glanced over to Snowdin's direction to see Boss in the distance. I didn't move or he would have thought I had fallen asleep. I returned my gaze to the snow. A few minutes later I saw out of the corner of my eye socket that Boss was coming up to the station. I turned my body towards him.

"Sup Boss." I greeted. He huffed and pulled me up. I lost the fear of him a long time ago when I was kidnapped by Lust's shopkeeper. For some reason Lust made her stop though.

"Your shift is done." Boss huffed, dragging me by my arm back home.

I sighed and followed. We were about to enter our house when I noticed the lock was broken.

"Wait," I stated, taking Boss by surprise by the sudden demand. Since I'm normally quiet and never demand something.

I snuck up to the door and gently pushed on it, making it open. I glanced worriedly to Boss. We NEVER leave the door unlocked and the door shouldn't have opened.

I summoned a bone as I opened the door in case someone is inside. When we went through, the entire living room was trashed. I blinked in surprise as I saw only one drawer not thrown to the wall, and just staying there.

I quickly and quietly moved to the drawer to see that it was empty. I scratched my cheek in confusion.

"Boss? What was in this drawer? Because it's the only one not thrown against the wall and it's empty." I asked my brother.

I watched as he came over. I still hadn't removed the bone from my grasp in case someone attacked us. I noticed a shadow on the stairs as Boss came closer. I moved out of the way but kept my eye's on the figure.

"Hm. In this drawer was just copies of important paperwork. Not too big of a deal." Boss stated. I turned my focus back to him.

"No. It is a big deal. And not just because of the house." I quietly hummed as I un-summoned the bone and started picking stuff up. Boss turned to me confused.

"What do you mean?" He demanded. I sighed.

"Yes, it's a good thing to have a lot of power and strength, especially in our world. But all of that is useless if you can't make plans or know how to do stuff. For example, a stove. You can cook food on it, boil fragrances in a pot, or even set a timer. But the stove is pretty useless if you don't know how to use it." I replied, pausing what I was doing and summoning a bone secretly as I saw the figure slowly creep upon us.

"You can be able to use different magic types but if you don't know how to use the magic, then what can you do? If you want to locate an attack on someone..." I started as the figure launched at Boss.

I quickly used the bone to block it. The person was wearing a black cloak to hide their face. Boss turned around surprised.

"Then it'd be pretty useless if you don't plan ahead to know how they think and act. You'd be caught if you weren't careful enough." I hummed as I summoned bones and pinned down the figure. I turned to Boss.

"Just like they failed to keep to the shadows of the stairs. They failed to notice that I observe my surroundings." I finished. I turned back to the figure, a bone still in my hands.


Mutt's POV:

"Mutt!" M' lord yelled from downstairs. I quickly headed down there to not anger him more.

"Yes, m' lord?" I asked to him.

"We are going to go get puzzled's ready in the forest! Go get changed." He hissed. I nodded and went back upstairs.

I grabbed my jacket and put it on. I slipped on my socks and shoes and headed to the living room to wait for my brother.

I watched as he came downstairs and headed out. I followed him.

As we walked, I saw that a bunny monster was dusted. I pulled up my hood and looked away.

What? Just because I live in a killed or be killed world doesn't mean that I have to like it.

I followed m' lord into the forest where he needed me to help set up some puzzles.

"Mutt. Go get me the toolbox from the tree." Sans ordered.

"Yes, m' lord," I replied.

I headed over to a 'random' tree and climbed up. I looked down to see m'lord being attacked by someone in a black cloak. I summoned a bone as they tied him up. I jumped down and attacked the stranger.

"Wha-?!" They said surprised.

I threw a bone at their hood, securing them into a tree.


Now it's time to vote.

What should Red(Underfell Sans) do?
A: Make the intruder say why they are there.
B: Attack the intruder.


What should Maple(SwapFell Papyrus) do?
A: Cut down Sans and Attack the stranger
B: Cut down Sans and Interrogate the stranger.

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