Chapter 12

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Ink's POV:

"Um... Do we just follow?" I asked Razz and Edge.

"I guess so," Razz replied as they walked towards the door. 

I followed them. We saw a hand going up the stairs and followed it. We ended up in the doorway of a room. They immediately noticed us and raised their weapons besides Nightmare and Error.

"What do you want Ink?" Nightmare hissed.

"You're all the most stoic monsters in the multiverse and you freaked out over something. You thought we wouldn't explore whatever's going on?" I responded.

"You want to know what's going on? Fine. Error has a concussion and won't wake up." Nightmare stated, making our eye sockets widen.

"Then shouldn't we take him to Sci?" Edge asked.

"You think I'd trust a fell monster besides Red and Maple with my lover and child?" Nightmare growled.

"Child...?" I mutter.

"Error is pregnant with my child and has been for two months. That's why he hasn't been able to destroy, so I have to. Not like you ever cared for the balance." Nightmare stated.

"If he's pregnant and won't wake up then why haven't you gotten a doctor?!" Razz exclaimed.

"We are the yin side of the balance! The only yin you guys accept is Death! You truly think they will allow us even 10 feet of a hospital?" Horror growled.


What should Ink do?

A: Convince them to get a doctor to at least come to the house

B: Try to help them.

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