Chapter 4

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Most Voted: B

Red's POV:

I was about to attack when I realized it was Nightmare. He could easily dust me. I stiffened when I saw Error in his lap.

"...Why am I here? And where is here?" I asked carefully choosing my words.

"You are in Error and I's house, which is located in the Anti-Void. You and Maple were brought you here because you two were suddenly here, passed out on the ground outside." Nightmare hummed as he petted Error.

"...Why didn't you both just leave us? You're the two most wanted skeletons in the multiverse." I questioned, relaxing my posture a bit as I realized we weren't kidnapped.

"Just because we are yin does not mean we do not have morals. We still have our own lives and our own reasons. Not that you light side judges ever did your job properly." Nightmare stated.

"What does that mean?" I responded. He sighed, looking down at Error.

"Judges are meant to get both sides of the story. They are meant to give a fair trial, no matter the universe. They are meant to get to the ultimate truth. It seems like the judges on the light side forgot that people tell lies, could be forced, or it was in self-defense. The perfect example of this is the Chara equals. They do not choose the route. In fact, they only intervene during the Genocide routes after your fight." Nightmare replied.

"I guess it's a good thing I attack the human no matter the route then," I said.

"I suppose." Nightmare answered. "Though I'm surprised that you haven't attacked me."

"What good would that do me? You are the king of fear and negativity with the destroyer of universes in your lap. I make one wrong move, I'm as good as dust. Besides, you aren't attacking me currently, so why should I attack you? Just because I'm from a fell universe doesn't mean I am dumb and attack right away." I stated. He smirked.

"Huh. Your alot smarter than my brother and that squid." He hummed. "But shouldn't it work both ways?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand," I replied.

"You wear a facade of cruelty, do you not?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Then who's to say us being insane is not just a facade as well." He questioned while stopped petting Error as he looked me dead in the eye sockets. I looked down in thought.

"That makes sense." I hummed. I glance over to Maple, figuring that this will be discussed again with him. I saw that he was awake.


What should Red do?

A: Ask Maple how long he was awake.

B: Continue the conversation with Nightmare.


What should Maple do?

A: Stay pretending to be asleep.

B: Let them know he is awake.

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