True Love's Kiss

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Adrien closed his eyes, tunes from his morning session echoing in his head. His muscles twitched to the muted beat. He'd only just started to dance, but he already loved it. The freedom it gave, that exhilarating feeling at the end of each song, the sweet soreness in his body after the session. He wasn't sure he could let it go now. He didn't want to. Marinette might have possibly changed his life by persuading him to stick with it. It'd probably be fantastic to dance with her. She was so good, though. It'd take him a while to get anywhere close to her level no matter how much potential Plagg said he had. Adrien needed to work harder because in their civilian lives they matched: she was a rising star-designer, he was a model/future CEO of Gabriel. In Kwami Kave it was different. She excelled. She was their princess. He was a nobody. Not even in the club yet. He had to work harder.

Half an hour before Marinette's lunch hour, Adrien went down the street to buy her a bouquet. The one he gave her this morning wasn't technically from him but Plagg. And Adrien was an Agreste; he could definitely do much more than a single rose. And while he was at it, Adrien stopped by a nearby jewellery store and bought Marinette a necklace, a delicate chain with a ladybug pendant. Simple, elegant and totally appropriate for the first date.

His phone chimed at five to twelve. Father wanted to see him after lunch. One o'clock sharp. As always. An appointment.

Adrien shoved his phone away and headed to the designer department.

"Marinette! I think someone's here to see you," Marc, one of the junior designers, shouted across the room as soon as Adrien entered.

Whispers echoed throughout the room. Marinette lifted her head up. Her eyes instantly widened and, grabbing her purse, she rushed to him.

"Adrien, what are you doing?" she asked.

"These are for you," he grinned, offering her the flowers.

Marinette closed her eyes, exhaling. "Adrien, thank you, but please, don't do this again. Not in the office at least."

"Why not?"

"Because you're my boss's son. People will assume things."

"People who know you wouldn't," Marc interfered, standing close by. "And those who would aren't worth your second glance."

"Thank you, Marc." Adrien finger-gunned him. "Shall we go, my Lady?"

"I'm talking to you later." Marinette glared at Marc, finally accepting Adrien's bouquet.

"Looking forward to all the details." Marc smirked. "Now shoo. I have a secret fanfiction hobby to indulge in."

"Your favourite story updated?"

"Yes, and the main character is about to propose. Though, I suspect his mother-in-law won't make it so easy for him. I swear, if she interferes, I'm storming the author's page with raging anon messages."

Marinette chuckled. "I'm sure it'll be great. See you later, Marc."

"Have fun." Marc waved the pair goodbye.

"Sorry I forgot about not attracting attention to you," Adrien said as they'd reached the elevator. "I was just so excited for our date, I've forgotten all caution."

Marinette buried her nose in the bouquet, inhaling. "That's fine. I love roses. Thank you. They're beautiful."

"You know, Marc's right. People who really know you won't assume stuff about you."

"Let's hope so." She smiled at him, entering the elevator.

Once the door closed, Adrien continued. "In fact, me barging in with flowers into your workspace has its perks."

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