The 10 of us had to pack 30 bags collectively, one for every member of the mission who was currently on the field.

Everyone was quickly shuffling to pack the bags as an alarm suddenly went off, blaring through our ears. I finished stuffing the bags and strapped two to my back and one on the front of my body. Everyone soon followed, doing the same.

We quickly rushed out and to the main control center where we were supposed to meet the rest of the crew.

There was a feeling in my stomach that I didn't trust.

It was uneasiness.

I never usually felt it on a mission, but when I did, it wasn't good. I shook off the feeling, saying it was just my mind because I had more people to worry about.

We entered the room and saw people strapped to chairs, one man's chair was pulled slightly forward so I assumed he was the boss.

Vanoss and Fitz were stood at the front, watching the group. Everyone was either dressed as security, a chemist, or a civil worker, none of our faces visible.

Our group started tossing bags at everyone, making sure we all held one. The group of people looked at us, some with fear and confusion, others with anger and frustration.

"Who the hell are you people?" The boss said. He was one of the angry ones.

We all looked at each other, our small chuckles soon forming one, huge maniacal laugh.

Some members of our group started handing out everyone's respective masks from a duffel bag. Slowly, everyone turned around, removing what covered their face and putting on their proper masks.

We turned back around, standing as a united unit.

The people's eyes grew wide, their mouths dropped and fear washed over all of them.

Fitz, Vanoss, and I all stepped forward, showing our authoritative natures.

"Ring a bell?" I asked, tilting my head slowly, causing the man to shudder with fear, making me smirk. He gulps and nods slowly, unsure of how I'd respond.

My smirk grew as I tilted my head the other way, stepping forward. "Oh? Please, educate me. The giraffe of a man over there, who is he?" I asked, tauntingly.

The mans eyes never left me as he started to speak shakily. "He's Fitz, leader of the Misfits. 6 members in total. Gang rank, 7."

I giggled a little and pointed at Evan. "And him?"

"Vanoss, leader of the banana bus squad. 18 members with 2 recent recruits. Gang rank, 1."

I smirk, crossing my arms. "Looks like someone has done their homework."

He looks at me as a smirk takes over his face, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "And you. You're Alpha, leader of the Pack. 8 members after 2 were killed by the Rebellion. Gang rank, 3. Second belonging to the Rebels."

I froze.

I kept my stiff stance, not showing any reaction to his words, though they cut through me like hot knives.

I kept staring at the mans face as his grin grew larger. "I know a thing or two about you Alpha. I know your little gang, is all you have left. Parents who disowned you. Friends who stabbed you in the back. Relatives that spit at even the slightest mention of you."

My fists clenched and my breaths became shakier.

"Shut up." I growled, trying to contain myself.

Trust Issues || H2O Delirious x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now