First Day at Raven High: Chap 2

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Sebastian's POV

I watched her walk away not letting the cold air bother me. I sighed and started walking back towards my house before I was tackled to the ground. "You tricked us!" Tyler and Quinn yelled.

I laughed, "But you guys fell for it." Quinn lifted me off the ground.

"You're such an idiot Peters." He said shoving me away.

I laughed again, "You guys wouldn't want to go for a run would you?" That brought a smile to both of their faces.

"We have school tomorrow." Said Tyler rubbing his face with both his hands.

"And?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "You guys go. I'm going home before my mom freaks out." I looked at Quinn hopeful that he would run with me.

"Sorry bro, I promised my dad I would have dinner with him. But since you played us to make sure nothing happened to Amelia, I missed that dinner. I'll see you tomorrow." I groaned at his annoyed tone. All I know is that I had an instinct to protect Amelia. I don't know why, but I had to.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked all the way back to the school to pick up my motorcycle. It needed a little fix up but I still loved it. My mom said that it was dangerous to have a motorcycle and she was right. But why would I care? I started up the engine and pulled on my helmet. I put my feet on the ground and walked it to the exit before I sped my way home not caring about the fact that I was driving 50 km over the speed limit. I knew it would not be longer before I would have to put her away for the winter. 

Her scent hit my nose. Amelia's scent drifted in the air causing me to inhale deeply. Her scent was sweet and intoxicating. Her face popped up in my mind and I swerved my bike on a patch of ice, causing me to hit the ditch. My body was flung into the trees, a hard tree trunk connected with my back and I heard the horrifying crack. I yelled in agony and laid on the ground knowing I would heal... eventually.

I pushed myself up feeling the bones snap back into place. I groaned looking at my smashed bike. "F***!" I took off my helmet and threw it as hard as I could. My wolf howled in frustration, begging to come out. I could feel my fangs lengthen and my claws sharpened. My nose caught her scent again and I groaned.

A howl filled my ears and I shifted ripping my favourite jacket. It felt good to change after a long day. I shook my fur and dug my claws into the dirt. This has to be the best part about being a wolf. Running through the forest made me feel free. Truly alive. The howl rung inside my ears once again, I knew that my alpha was getting impatient. I started to run faster in the direction of the howl hoping he wasn't too angry.

I came to our usual spot and looked up at the almost full moon. The full moon was coming up and it made my stomach flip in fear. I just don't want to hurt anybody again. The alpha stood in the middle of the field, looking more than angry.

His glare was set directly on me and I don't think it was going anywhere. I lowered my head and kept my tail between my legs. Then a pair of human hands gripped my wolf-like shoulders and I looked up to see the one who bit me. I didn't shift back, I wanted to let my wolf have control for a little while.

"Bash, What is up with you?" I whimpered not knowing what else to do. I knew he was angry with me. I looked over his shoulder at his pack members. There were two new people added to the pack. I looked back into his blue eyes to see the concern behind them, "I'm just trying to see what's wrong with you. You've been defining orders just to protect a girl you don't even know." I lowered my head, a part of me knowing it was wrong to go against his orders but another part of me made my head lift. I stared into his eyes and snapped at him.

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