"You're mean." I snorted at that so called insult. Being used to various different curses, mean is actually a very sweet way to describe me.

"What did my father say? When you asked him about extending your stay here?"

"He said it was fine but I know he wasn't very pleased at all. Quite painful to watch." She giggled at that.

"You think that's funny?" I raised a brow. She nodded.

"As my father, that is how he should be. You must have expected a reaction like that from him. We both know this isn't going to be easy."

"That I am aware. The real work starts tomorrow." She squinted her eyes and looked at me slightly confused.

"You make it sound like a mission." I stared back at her blankly.

"It is to me. I need to make up for everything I did and more importantly I don't want you to fear me. At all."

"I understand. It's going to take time."

"Yes, but we'll get there. Plus, I have to win your heart quickly. Seeing all those male fae creatures eye you like they do, it drives me insane."

"Eye me like what? I made a lot of friends here. Some of us are very close." I snorted at what she said. How naïve could she get? Couldn't she sense the lust in some of them? It was pretty obvious to me.

"Don't stare at me like that," she whispered going all red. I smirked at her discomfort.

"Do you have any plans before your friends arrive?"

"No, not really. Why?"

"What do you usually do? How do you pass time?"

"Oh, I can show you. I mean if you like. If you don't then it's fi-"

"I would like that." She smiled at me softly. Then she started thinking. "Although, it does involve pixies," she said in a small voice.

Without giving her a reply, I ate my breakfast.


Princess Aeval Florentine's POV

"You can fucking give them life?" Phoenix asked in disbelief and shock.

"Yeap." I shyly continued to strengthen the tree. It was difficult to concentrate with the prince observing my every move. I kept glancing at him from time to time. His good looks did nothing to help either. Moreover, I couldn't understand why my body was heating up under his observing eyes.

Come on, tree!

"Great! Iamdoneheisgoodnow. All good," I rushed the words out, relieved that the healing process was ended, I quickly landed on the ground and walked ahead of him. My wings folded themselves and they dragged behind me as I walked. I couldn't stand the burning sensation I felt under his stare.

"Why do you do that?" he chuckled to himself as he picked up the pace.

"I don't understand your question," I said refusing to look at him. I didn't know what he was doing. I mean he was just looking at me and then this weird feeling took over. I can't tell him that!!

"Walk away all of a sudden, turn away from me. Like whatever you're doing now," I walked faster.

"I don't do that-"

"Doing it now." I stopped abruptly and faced him. "No I'm not." My voice wavered as I hugged myself. My body wasn't just warming up. There was also a funny feeling in my tummy.

"You're flushed," he said lowly, stepping closer to me. I involuntarily took a couple of steps back, blushing hard. What was this feeling? It was uncomfortable and it made me squirm under his scrutinizing gaze.

Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now