Chapter 42

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The ride back to Shady Belle was tense, to say the least. After the look that Arthur and John had given you, when you ended Bronte's life. But if you hadn't done it, you knew Dutch would have. It seemed that only you and he understood. You were surprised at Arthur. You didn't think for one minute, he wouldn't have done the same, if he'd had the chance with Isaac's killer.

You did think perhaps what Dutch had said to John was a little harsh. But probably not untrue. You knew now, that if your baby had been born, that Dutch would never have cut and run. He was just as devastated as you at the loss.

You walked into the living room that adjoined your bedroom at Shady Belle, arm in arm.

Dutch walked out onto the balcony, and you watched as he lit a cigar. He leant against the balcony, watching the comings and goings of the camp below.

You leant on the balcony, and looked at Dutch, he had a faraway look in his eye.

"We did do the right thing, didn't we?" you asked.

Dutch tossed his cigar to the ground, and crushed it with the heel of his boot.

He walked over to where you were standing, and wrapped his arm around you.

"You know we did. You remember what Hamish said?" Dutch hesitated, "He said when the time comes people get their just deserts. Doesn't matter who does it, as long as it happens. There's a whole pile of people who got hurt by Angelo Bronte, we didn't just do it for us, we did it for them"

Dutch pointed, his finger picking out two solitary figures in the camp below.

You watched as John walked across camp, his hand resting on Jack's head.

You smiled, maybe what Dutch had said to John had sunk in.

Dutch turned to look at you, and cupped your cheek in his hand. "Right now, I'm so jealous of John, knowing that I'll never get to have a moment like that, with our son or daughter."

You put your hand on Dutch's chest. "He or she, will always be there, in your heart, and in mine, and one day, I promise you, you'll get the opportunity, to walk with your own son or daughter."

Dutch pressed his lips to yours, gently at first, but when you responded his kiss became stronger, and more needy. It was the first time you had both kissed properly since this whole nightmare began. You both needed this as much as each other.

Dutch pulled away from you first, "If your not ready, or if this is too soon..."

"No Dutch," you confessed, "I need you," you whispered, as your lips crashed together again.

You dragged each other back inside, kicking of your boots, as you went through the sitting room, and into the bedroom.

"You sure baby girl," Dutch purred.

"I've never been more sure," you gasped, as you allowed him to remove your clothes and guide you towards the bed.

The following morning, the realisation hit you, if it hadn't hit you before, that the man who had his arms wrapped around you, did truly love you. More importantly, for you, you realised that you loved him. If anything, losing the baby had strengthened the love you had for each other even more.

If you were honest it still scared you a little, but you also knew, when the time was right, he would make a great father. Or for that matter, even if the time was wrong.

Realising that you were awake, Dutch stroked your face.

"I've been thinking, baby girl," he said.

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