Chapter 39

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You watched from Dutch's arms, as Arthur jumped off his horse and started hammering his fists on the doctors door. It was way past opening hours, but maybe someone might be around.

One of the upper story windows opened, and a woman yelled down.

"What's all the racket, we're closed, comeback in the morning!"

Arthur yelled up, "It's an emergency! Please, I wouldn't be banging on the door if it weren't!"

The woman turned from the window, talking to someone inside, a few moments later she looked back down at Arthur.

"Give him five minutes, and he'll be down," she sighed, closing the window.

Arthur sighed, and walked over to where Dutch was, still seated on the count, with Kara, in his arms.

"He's coming down, in about five minutes," he whispered.

Dutch nodded, and passed you down to Arthur, who gently put you on the ground. Supporting you, until Dutch had dismounted.

The three of you walked towards the door of the doctors. Every so often you would gasp as a wave of pain passed through your stomach. Dutch clutching you a little bit tighter, every time it happened.

Tears still streamed down your face. Despite Dutch's protestations earlier, that everything was gonna be ok, you knew it wasn't, as much as he wanted it to be. Making you feel even more guilty, if that was possible. This was all your fault. If you'd fired the warning shot, like he'd asked, then none of this would have happened.

You must have gone over the scene in your mind a million times, when finally the door of the doctors office opened, and he beckoned you in.

"What's the emergency?" he asked.

"My...fiancée. Is pregnant, she's in pain and bleeding," Dutch replied, his voice cracking.

The doctor nodded, looked and looked at you, "you better come through."

Dutch led you through to the doctors consulting room. You looked back, as Arthur had elected to stay outside. You couldn't really blame him.

You sat in the chair, as the doctor started asking questions.

"This baby, Mr...?"

"Van Der Linde," Dutch snapped.

"Mr Van Der Linde, is it yours?" the doctor queried.

"Of course the god damn baby is mine!" he snapped

The anger on Dutch's face, you thought he was about to punch the doctor.

"Dutch...please." you cried.

Dutch held your hand and squeezed it. "Don't worry baby girl, I'm here," he soothed you, as best he could.

"Do you know what happened, Mr Van Der Linde?" the doctor asked.

Dutch glared at the doctor, "yes I know what happened, that Italian bastard Angelo Bronte, kidnapped my woman, and his thugs roughed her up. If anything happens to our baby, I swear to god..."

The doctor put his hand on Dutch's shoulder. "Let me take a look, although I should warn you, its not looking good."

The doctor started to remove your trousers. He looked across at Dutch.

"You might want to wait outside." he suggested.

"Please Dutch, please don't leave me!" You cried.

Dutch squeeze your hand, and brought it up to his lips, "I ain't goin' anywhere baby girl,"

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