Chapter 16

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All the way back to camp, Karen kept looking at you and smirking. Thankfully she didn't say anything. You knew that the girls liked a bit of a gossip between themselves, but if Uncle heard anything, it would be all around the camp in minutes.

When the wagon pulled up you jumped off, and walked to the centre of camp, closely followed by the girls.

"Lets have a look then," Karen nudged you, pointing to your arm.

Your face flushed slightly as you rolled up your sleeve.

Karen hummed, "well I've seen worse. It probably just needs a clean, and maybe something for your skin."

"Its horrible, I hate it," you groaned, quickly covering it up.

Karen chuckled, "You ain't gonna get away with that when Dutch comes back. He wants to see your beautiful arms!" she mocked.

You rolled your eyes, "I'll just keep outta his way."

Tilly sniggered, "like that's gonna happen, he wont even let you go out of camp by yourself."

You sighed.

Mary-Beth who had been quiet, suddenly grabbed your arm.

"C'mon, it probably just needs a wash, and some cream. Lets go find Miss Grimshaw, I'm sure she'll have something."

You rolled your eyes, "I guess failing that, I can find Mr Pearson and borrow a meat cleaver."

The three women, stared at you in horror.

"Joking!" you mocked, and went with Mary-Beth to find Susan.

You found Susan, checking the stocks of medical supplies.

"Could you take a look at Kara's arm, Miss Grimshaw," Mary-Beth asked, "Its a bit yucky," she added.

You rolled your eyes, "Thanks Mary-Beth," you commented, sarcastically.

You rolled up your sleeve, and showed Susan your arm.

"Well I'm not surprised," she scoffed, "You haven't washed it for about a month!"

You sniffed your arm, and hummed.

"Well it doesn't smell," you concluded.

Susan Grimshaw, rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Come with me," she commanded, as she grabbed hold of your arm.

Round the back of one of the wagons was a large water butt, several rags and some soap.

She grabbed your arm and submerged it into the water, rubbing it gently with a rag. She pulled it out of the water, then rubbed the soap on it.

As she did, most of the loose skin, started to fall away.

"You need to do this, every day," she stated. She frowned. "No exceptions, every day for at least a week!"

You nodded. There was no way you would defy her, or there would be hell to pay.

She grabbed a towel and dried off your arm.

"Come with me," Susan said, as she marched towards the medical supplies wagon.

Susan looked at the supplies until she found what she was looking for, and handed you a tub.

"This goes on three times a day, and you need to let the sun get to your arms, not cover them up." She advised.

Susan looked through a pile of clothes, "here, put this on, and give me that shirt. It probably needs a wash anyway."

You looked around, there was no one about except for the women, so you quickly slipped off the shirt, and took the article of clothing that Susan had found. It was a white lacy sleeveless blouse Not what you would normally wear. But it would allow the sun to get to your arm.

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