Chapter 21

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It didn't seem to take much to make you tired. You guessed your body couldn't heal, and be active at the same time. You hadn't eaten anything in the last week either, while you had been kept in your unconscious state. You found, Pearson's stew, a little difficult, so by the time you'd had a couple of mouthfuls, it was enough. You put the bowl on the table at the side of the cot and slowly laid yourself back down. Sleep took you virtually as soon as you closed your eyes.

Your sleep must have been a deep one. That was why you didn't hear him join you on the cot. Didn't feel him slide his arm under you neck, and allow you to use the crook of his arm like a pillow. Didn't feel the warmth of his body against your own.

Not until dawn broke, casting a red glow into the tent. But it wasn't the red orb, hanging low in the sky that woke you up. It wasn't even the hand on your face, or his other hand creeping up your shirt, and resting on your stomach. It was your own sound, a cross between a whimper and a moan, that you emitted, and the shiver that ran through your whole body, as though every nerve ending had been stimulated at once.

You opened your eyes, to see Dutch, laying on his side, gazing at you, and smiling.

"Good morning, baby girl." he purred. His hand moved across your stomach, and his fingers traced a line at the bottom of your ribcage.

You gasped and let out another whimper, as your body trembled yet again.

Dutch emitted a deep chuckle, "I love those little noises you make," he purred, as he stroked your face.

"Please Dutch, I need to tell you something," you gasped.

He stopped, and you felt the warmth of his hand, just resting on your stomach.

"What's the matter, sweetness?" he cooed, his hand still stroking your face.

"I...I've never b...been with a man before." you stuttered, your face flushing a deep red.

Dutch smiled, "I knew that," he purred, "and don't worry. I wont do anything, until your ready. I'll take it nice and slow." he added, his deep baritone voice, hushed to a whisper.

He moved his hand from under your shirt, and rested it palm down beside your head, and gently touched his lips to yours. It was another deep and passionate kiss, his tongue begging for access to your mouth, which you freely gave. As you kissed him back. Your hand, reached out and touched his chest. For the first time, you realised how strong he really was. His muscles were rock solid. You ran your hand over his chest, then along his arm.

As you did, his kiss became more intense.

Dutch finally pulled away from the kiss, and you removed your hand from his chest.

With one last stroke of your face, he got up from the cot.

"You are gonna be the death of me, baby girl," he smirked, as he grabbed his shirt from the chair.

You stared at him, smiling as he got dressed. Biting your bottom lip, as you gazed at his rippling muscles.

Dutch look at you, the same lustful look in his eyes, that you had noticed yesterday.

"what are you looking at," he smirked.

You felt you face flush, and you averted your eyes.

He chuckled, if you could call it that. It was more like a low guttural grunt.

He walked back over to the cot, and cupped your face in his hand, before kissing you on the forehead.

"I don't mind you looking, but I have to go. I'll be back as soon as I can." He whispered.

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