Chapter 25

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When you woke up the following morning, you knew it was late. You knew because the light filtering into the tent, wasn't the red glow of a sunrise, but bright, like mid-morning, or even noon.

You didn't mind though. Because when you woke, Dutch's arms were still wrapped tightly around you. Your back could feel the warmth of his chest, and the steady rise and fall of his breathing. One arm resting on your shoulder, the other on your hip.

He must have felt you stir, because the hand that was on your hip, gently slid to your stomach.

"So you're finally awake," he purred, as he kissed your collarbone.

You hummed, happily.

"Well we really need to getup." he added.

You groaned, "can't we just stay here all day?"

Dutch chuckled, as he stroked your stomach, "as much as I am tempted, baby girl, I have a gang to lead and laying here with you, isn't going to make us any money."

"Just five more minutes then," you begged, as you tried to snuggle deeper into his chest, stifling a yawn.

He nipped your neck, "you can have five minutes, but I have things to do."

His arms left your body, and you felt the warmth of him disappear as he got up from the cot.

You rolled over onto your back, watching him get dressed.

"C'mon, get up, you need to eat something." he suggested.

You groaned, and rolled back over, closing your eyes. It might be late, but you ached this morning.

Before you had a chance to think, you felt the blanket being pulled away, and the loud noise of skin touch skin, as Dutch's hand landed on your bare backside. You jumped at the stinging sensation. It hadn't been a gentle slap.

"Ow!" you exclaimed, quickly sitting up and frowning.

"Get your arse outta bed, now!" he smirked. "I'll be back in five minutes, if your not up and dressed by then..." he threatened.

You stared at him, "you wouldn't!"

Dutch chuckled, "you wanna test me? Then stay where you are!"

You quickly grabbed your clothes and started to dress.

He licked his lips, "shame," he muttered, as he left the tent.

You stared at him as he walked out the tent, then quickly finished dressing.

You had a funny feeling, that he wasn't joking.

You walked out the tent, and saw Hosea and Arthur, seated at a table. Dutch was standing there, cigar in hand. They were looking towards the tent. You had a horrible feeling that they were talking about you, considering the smirk on Dutch's face.

You headed over. Dutch pointed to an empty chair and a bowl of food.

"There's some breakfast there for you."

Arthur rolled his eyes, "If you can call it breakfast!"

You looked at the bowl, Pearson's stew. It had been nice having the other food, but now your stomach had recovered, it looked like it was back to this. But you were hungry anyway.

You sat down, and frowned at Arthur, "what d'ya mean?" you queried, as you spooned a bowl of the stew into your mouth.

Arthur chuckled, "Well it's near enough noon!"

"I'm only doing as I'm told," you smirked, "resting and getting my strength back!"

You carried on eating the stew.

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