Chapter 40

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Arriving at Shady Belle for the first time was bitter sweet. It had probably once been very grand, but had now fallen into a state of disrepair, although more than habitable. Even the windows had glass.

You'd always imagined living in a big house, and when you first became aware of your pregnancy, and Dutch telling you how one day you would live in a house. This house could have been your dream, living with Dutch, raising his children. Now it was a living nightmare. Your dreams, in ruins just like this house.

Arthur rode slightly ahead, you guessed to let people know you were coming in. To let them know, despite your safe return, there would be no party, no celebration.

Hosea was waiting for you both, by the hitching post, when you came in. He helped you down from The Count. Dutch quickly dismounted, and wrapped his arm around you. Hosea patting Dutch on the shoulder, trying to comfort him. You had both suffered a loss tonight, although you were the only one who had felt the physical pain, or who felt the guilt.

As you walked into the main house, everyone seemed to disappear into the darkness of the swampy night. Nobody would know what to say to you. What could they say, nothing that would ease your pain.

Dutch followed Hosea into the house. It was only then, seeing the way that Dutch looked around, that you realised he hadn't been here either.

Hosea led you both up the stairs, and took you into a large sitting room, which had an adjoining bedroom.

"Let me know if you need anything." he whispered, glancing between you and Dutch.

Dutch nodded, in silent thanks, as Hosea left and silently closed the door.

You walked over to the bed, and sat down. Dutch followed you, and pulled off your boots.

You laid down on the bed, still fully clothed.

"Do you want some help, getting undressed," Dutch soothed.

You shook your head, "I think I'll stay as I am, if you don't mind," you whispered.

Dutch nodded, and removed his coat, gun belt and waist coat.

He sat on the bed, and removed his boots.

Dutch lay on the bed, next to you, and wrapped his arm around you. He gently stroked away an errant lock of hair from your forehead, and kissed it softly.

You looked at his face, veiled in sadness.

"Please don't hate me," you sobbed, "as a tear ran from your eye."

You watched as you saw tears beginning to pool in his eyes. He closed his eyes, and pressed his forehead against yours, before slowly moving his head away.

When he opened his eyes, the tears were gone.

"I could never hate you, baby girl." He whispered, "I love you too much."

He gently cupped your cheek in his hand, as his lips gently brushed against yours.

"We got this, baby girl. We'll make it through, I promise you," he whispered.

You rested your head on his chest, and closed your eyes, tears trickled down your cheek, soaking into the material of his shirt.

You felt his hand, rubbing up and down your back, soothing you. Exhaustion finally allowing you to drift off to sleep.

The sun shone through the windows of shady belle, gently waking you. Dutch's arms, still wrapped around you. As soon as you opened your eyes, he kissed your forehead.

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