Chapter 7

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As you gazed into the fire lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice that Arthur had sat beside you on the log.
As the song, that Javier was playing ended, you looked up from the fire, to see Arthur staring at you.
Arthur half smiled, "are you OK?" he asked.
You nodded, "I guess," you hesitated, "Arthur, d'ya ever feel happy and sad, at the same time?"
Arthur hummed and nodded. "Pretty much all the time, the trick is to try to let the happiness win through."
"Does that work for you?" you asked, frowning slightly.
Arthur rolled his eyes, "not usually. But sometimes, something or someone helps."
You felt your face flush, so you turned towards the fire, hoping he would think it was the heat from the flames.
"I guess I'm still adjusting to having so many people around," you muttered.
"You're not from a big family then," he paused, "originally?"
"I was a mistake," you scoffed.
Arthur shook his head, "You're the best mistake I ever saw!"
You looked at him and chuckled, "Is that what you wrote in your journal?"
Arthur put a cigarette in his mouth and used the flames of the fire to light it.
"No," he said, puffing out blue smoke. "I wrote that you were a reckless little brat!"
You rolled your eyes, "That's probably about right." you gulped down the last few swallows of your beer.
Arthur stood up, "you got anything planned for tomorrow?"
You waved your bandaged hand at him, "Nothing, apart from Dutch ministering to my stupidity." you scoffed.
Arthur raised an eyebrow, "that's gotta be a first, Dutch ministering to the wounded. He usually leaves that to Susan or Hosea! He must really have a soft spot for you."
You felt your face turn red. "Oh shut up, not you as well!" you snorted.
Arthur chuckled, "well how about I take you into town, to get another gun, and a holster?"
You looked at Arthur, then glanced around. It looked like every single member of the gang, had two guns. If you were gonna stay, which it certainly looked like you were. Then maybe you should have two guns as well.
You smiled, "Thanks, I'd like that. But maybe we should go in the afternoon when you're a bit less grumpy!" you smirked.
Arthur grinned, and shook his head as he swiped his hand through the air, knocking your hat to the ground. "You're a cheeky little bastard."
You picked up your hat, and dusted it off, still smirking. Arthur turned away, and headed to his tent, still shaking his head.
As you put your hat back on and stood up, you saw that Javier and Sean were staring at you.
"What!" You exclaimed, "it's true, he is a grumpy bastard in the morning!"
You headed back to your tent, tonight the happiness had finally won through.

The following morning, you didn't wake, particularly early. It was just as well, that you had arranged to go out with Arthur later. It was early enough so that there was plenty of stew left in the pot. You'd heard the likes of Uncle and Sean, complaining when they had the last scrapings. You did wonder if the pot ever got a good wash out. But to be fair, as you were usually up at a reasonable time, it wasn't high on your list of things to worry about.
You grabbed a bowl, and filled it with the warm food. Spotting Hosea, sitting at one of the tables, you went to join him. You hadn't seen him for a couple of days. What with being tied up, stabbing yourself in the hand, and going robbing with Arthur. There hadn't been a huge amount of time during the day, for socialising. There were so many people around the camp, that you didn't actually get to see everyone, every day.
You liked Hosea, though. He was probably the first person here that had been kind, and non-judgemental. If you'd had a grandfather, you liked to think, he would have been like Hosea.
Hosea, probably wouldn't appreciate that sentiment, but having said that, he was the first to admit he was getting old. Although, if anyone told him that, he would glare at them, as though he had been insulted.

As you sat down, he looked up and frowned.
"What on earth happened to your hand?" he asked, concern in his voice.
Before you had a chance to answer, Dutch walked over.
"She stabbed herself," he interjected.
"I didn't..." You started to protest until you saw Dutch glaring at you.
Remembering what he had said, after he almost strangled you, and the look on his face. You decided not to dispute what he was saying. You just looked at your bowl of food and continued eating.
Hosea, glanced at Dutch, then looked at you.
"What happened, exactly?" he asked.
"I was playing five-finger fillet and..." you started, but you were quickly interrupted by Hosea.
"That game!" he chided. He looked over at Dutch, "you should really ban them from playing it! One day, someone is going to end up losing a finger, or worse!"
"Oh, I don't think Kara will be playing it again, will you, Kara?"
You looked at Dutch then at Hosea. You sighed, and rolled your eyes.
"No, I suppose not!" You huffed.
Dutch glared at you, "Excuse me!" he warned.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest.
"I...I mean, no I won't. I'm sorry." you stammered.
Hosea, struggled to hide a smirk on his face. While Dutch stood there, with folded arms, looking pleased with himself.
You finished eating your stew, at least if there was food in your mouth, you couldn't put your foot in it.
You stood up, time to make yourself scarce, you thought. However, Dutch had other ideas.
"Where do you think you're going?" He questioned, a frown on his face.
Oh crap, you thought. What have I done now? You felt your cheeks, heating up.
"I was just gonna..." you started, but it appeared today, Dutch wasn't going to let you get a word in edgeways.
"I don't think so. Put the plate down, and come with me. I need to check your hand."
You felt like your heart was about to explode from your chest. Goodness only knows what was gonna happen now, that would teach you to be so sassy, especially to Dutch.
You put the plate down, and walked towards him, he put his hand, against the small of your back. Even though it was gently placed, it made you feel intimidated, as he ushered you into his tent.

As you walked in, you saw a woman, sitting on a chair. She was quite pretty, with bright red hair and green eyes. You hadn't seen her before. She was playing with her hair, while trying to look at herself from every possible angle in a small hand mirror.
She glared at you, when she saw Dutch's hand on your back. It was the first time, you had seen hatred like that in someone's eyes. Even your mother, who didn't really want you, never looked at you like that.
"Miss O' Shea, can you wait outside, while I speak with Miss Finlay," he commanded.
You felt like saying something, even with the look she had given you. At least if she stayed, he'd be less likely to lose his temper. But if you said anything, it would likely make things ten times worse.
The woman got up, and gave both of you a look of disdain, as she left the tent.

Dutch removed his hand, and motioned for you to sit down on the chair, that the woman had just vacated. He sat down opposite you.
"Give me your hand," he directed.
As you held out your hand, he noticed it was shaking.
He held it tightly, steadying it, as he started to remove the bandage.
"Do I make you nervous, Kara?" He whispered.
You looked up, and bit your bottom lip, "," you stuttered.
He held your gaze. The bandage was now removed, and as he held your hand, he gently stroked his thumb across the top, where the blade had penetrated your skin, "that isn't my intention," he reassured. His deep voice, had an almost hypnotizing quality, as he continued.
"I only want what's best for you, I hope you understand that?"
You nodded. The panic, you had been feeling was slowly beginning to subside, but you would still struggle to get any words out.
Still holding your gaze, his hand gently moved, so he was holding the underside of your wrist. Dutch gently stroked the top of your wrist with his thumb.
"I'm glad to see that rope, didn't do any damage," he hummed.
", it's fine," you mumbled.
He finally released your hand and stood up.
"Good," he boomed, "What are your plans for the rest of the day?"
You took a deep breath, finally composing yourself.
"Arthur is taking me into town, to buy another gun."
Dutch raised his eyebrows and hummed.
"You better tell him, you need a rifle as well," he stated.
You frowned, "I've never shot a rifle!"
Dutch chuckled, "Then you better tell him, that I want him to teach you!"
You stood up, still slightly confused at what had occurred.
"Is there something else?" Dutch asked.
You shook your head. You weren't sure if you should just go, or wait until he said you could.
"Then get out of here," he smirked, "you can't stay in my tent all day!"
You scuttled out of the door and headed off to find Arthur.

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