Chapter 20

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As you lay on the cot, on your stomach. You suddenly realised that Arthur would be coming into the tent at any moment, after Dutch had hollered for him.

You also realised, that since Dutch and Hosea, had moved you onto your stomach, you didn't have anything covering you.

To be fair, you hadn't really thought about when Hosea, was tending to the wounds on your back. But if Arthur came in, and saw you like this! You suddenly became very self-conscious.

"Dutch? I'm naked!" You squealed.

Dutch turned round, and gazed at you lustily. Licking his lips.

"I know," he smirked. "I keep telling you how beautiful you are."

You rolled your eyes, "and you really want Arthur to see me like this?"

Dutch frowned for a moment, suddenly the realisation hitting him.

"Stay here." he said. You tilted your head, and raised your eyebrows at him. As if you could go anywhere. One you had no clothes, and two you could hardly move.

Dutch chuckled, which was more of a low grunt.

He smirked. "I'll talk to Arthur, outside."

You watched Dutch walk out the tent. You hadn't really noticed until now, how well put together he was. Yes, he was smartly dressed and carried himself well. But watching him walk away, he was well toned and a good looking man. No wonder Molly was so protective of him. Then it dawned on you Molly! What was she going to do. Had you read too much into the kiss. Having said that, you were lying stark naked on the man's cot.

Laying on your stomach you put your hands on on top of the other, using it as a pillow, and lay there. Trying to fathom out what to do next. Although you weren't in a position currently to do much of anything. You were pretty certain, that Dutch and Arthur, would go and find Micah. This did gall you slightly, because you would like nothing better right now, than to pull the trigger, and watch Micah's brains, splatter out of his skull.

With that thought in your mind, you dozed off.


You opened your eyes, to see Hosea standing in front of you.

"Sorry Hosea, I must have fallen asleep."

Hosea smiled, "that's no bad thing, do you want to try and sit?"

You thought for a minute, and nodded. The sooner you started moving the better.

"It might hurt a little, but it will be easier to bandage you up, and we might be able to get some clothes on you, as well." Hosea concluded.

"Clothes would be good." You chuckled.

Hosea took your hands. You managed to turn yourself, at the same time, as he lifted you up. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed. You gasped as a wave of pain hit you, but it soon passed.

Hosea put a blanket, over your lap, to give you some semblance of decency, trying to avert his eyes, away from your breasts, whilst he put the bandages on your back. You guessed this had been easier while you were unconscious. You winced several times, as the bandages touched your back, and groaned once or twice, as some of the stitches pulled.

"How long, do I need these bandages on for?" you asked him.

Hosea smiled, "with a bit of luck, another couple of days. I should be able to remove the stitches then as well. You're a fast healer."

You rolled your eyes, "I suppose its about time something went in my favour," you sighed.

Hosea started to help you on with a shirt. "What about Dutch, that's in your favour, isn't it?" he queried.

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