Chapter 33

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You both left the room and headed downstairs to the saloon.

Dutch suggested breakfast before you went back to camp, which you happily agreed to. It would make a nice change to eat something other than Pearson's stew.

You sat at one of the booths in the parlour house, with a plate of ham and eggs in front of you.

Even with the appetizing food sitting in front of you, you weren't that hungry. You just kept looking at the ring, that Dutch had slipped on your finger, turning it around and staring at it from different angles.

You were brought out of your thoughts, when you felt Dutch's hand on yours.

"Is everything ok," he asked, a worried look on his face. He looked at the ring on your finger.

"It's not too soon... you do like it?" He fretted.

You smiled, contentedly, "No, its perfect...It's just..."

"What? What is it?" he asked, slight panic in his voice.

You bit your bottom lip, "no ones ever given me a gift like this before, well actually a gift at all." you admitted.

You put your other hand over the top of his. "You've no idea what this means to me," you added, blinking back the tears.

Dutch grabbed both of your hands in his. He brought them to his lips, and kissed them gently.

"I just want you to be happy," he gushed, "I'll do anything, to make you happy, Kara." he confided.

You took a deep breath, trying to force down the feeling that your heart was about to burst out of your chest.

"I am happy, you've no idea how happy I am." you gushed.

Dutch smiled, "Lets finish up here, then we can head back."

Once you had finished breakfast, Dutch took your hand, and you walked out of the parlour house, to where the horses were hitched.

You were surprised to find only The Count hitched. You looked around.

"I'm sure I hitched Lucky here," you grumbled.

Dutch turned to face you, and held your cheek in his hand.

"I hope you don't mind, but I asked Arthur to take Lucky back to camp," he explained.

You frowned, "Arthur!" you exclaimed.

Dutch smiled, "I had to ask Arthur to find you, he tracked you for me."

You chuckled, "of course he did. No I don't mind, as long as Lucky's safe."

Dutch gently kissed your lips. "Then my lady, let me escort you home," he grinned.

He lifted you up and put you on The Count's back, then he mounted up behind you.

Dutch wrapped his arm around your waist, and pulled you close to him.

You chuckled, "any excuse to get your hands on me, eh!"

Dutch gently kissed your neck, "I don't need an excuse, not any more!"

He urged The Count on, and you headed back to camp.

As you headed down the track to camp, Dutch called out "Dutch and Kara comin' in."

You noticed Charles was on guard duty. You wondered if Dutch had made him do extra shifts, as payback for making a play for you.

Once you reached the hitching area, Dutch jumped off The Count, and then lifted you down.

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