Chapter 18

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The three of you had headed into Valentine. You were thrilled at finally being able to go out of camp, even if it was only for a drink. You had missed riding your horse. She wasn't the best horse, and could be a bit spooky, but over time you had bonded.

As soon as you entered the saloon, Arthur made you promise to stay away from the poker table. He also made Lenny promise that there would be no five-finger fillet. He didn't want the one to be in trouble with Dutch, if you came back injured, or if you got arrested.

You chuckled at the thought, but agreed, none the less.

Both you and Lenny thought it was gonna be a couple of beers. But two or three beers, became two or three more, then two or three whiskies.

By the time you got onto your third whisky, you were feeling a little bit queasy.

The promise that Arthur made, to look after you, was now looking pretty hollow. Both Lenny and Arthur were so drunk, that they could barely look after themselves.

You decided to leave them to it, and go outside for some air. The boys probably didn't even noticed you'd disappeared, they were so drunk.

So they didn't see the man, that hit you over the back of the head. Having said that, neither did you.

When you woke up, you had no idea where you were. It was dark and cold. It was only when you came to move, that you realised your hands were tied together, as were your feet. Alarmed as you were by this, what was more alarming, was that you had been stripped naked.

You struggled with the binding, around you wrist. Whoever had tied it, knew exactly what they were doing. As you struggled, you heard a voice in the gloom.

"Well, well. The sleeping beauty has finally woken up."

You looked through the darkness, to see a man, holding a lantern.

"And how is Dutch's newest recruit. A bit tied up," he laughed, mirthlessly.

"Who the hell are you," you demanded, your head still throbbing.

"I'm insulted that you don't know who I am, Dutch has been lax in his education. I'm Colm O'Driscoll." he smirked.

You knew the name at once. You also knew it meant you were in serious trouble. Dutch's long-time enemy wasn't likely to play nice.

"What do you want Colm?" You sighed. Whatever it was he wasn't gonna get anything out of you.

He licked his lips, "well you can start by telling me where Dutch's camp is?"

"And you can go to hell!" you snarled.

In hindsight, this probably wasn't the wisest thing you had ever done. But you were pretty good at opening your mouth, and saying what you thought. You realised this, when you felt Colm's boot connect with your ribs. You groaned, only to feel it make contact for the second time.

Colm pulled out his revolver. You thought he was going to put a bullet in you. But that would have been pleasant compared to what followed. With the butt of the gun, he hit you twice in the kidneys. You screamed, as pain reverberated through your inside. You didn't want to. Didn't want to show weakness, but you couldn't help it.

"Mr Bell, said you'd be stubborn. He really doesn't like you very much. He actually paid me, to get rid of you. But seems like a shame, not to get a bit of extra information as well." he sneered.

You swallowed hard and focussed on your breathing. Remembering what Dutch had taught you.

Colm leant over, and grabbed your hair, yanking your head back.

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