Chapter 23

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You started to put on the clothes that Dutch had brought for you. It was nice to get into jeans again. You weren't so sure about the top he had chosen. It wasn't one of yours, but another sleeveless low cut blouse. Still you didn't have much choice in the matter for now.

What was missing, was your hat and boots. You guessed they must still be, wherever Colm had taken you. You sighed, you had liked those boots.

You put you feet on the floor. Gritting your teeth, you managed to stand. Walking however, was different matter.

Taking a step away from the bed, was a mistake. You legs buckled, and you fell to the floor.

"Fuck!" you grumbled, under your breath.

"What do you think you're doing!" Dutch yelled, as he came running into the tent.

You looked up at him, he didn't look cross, just worried.

"Oh, I thought I'd just throw myself on the floor. Ya know...for fun," you smirked.

Dutch shook his head, "I can't leave you alone for five minutes, can I."

He grabbed you by the waist, and lifted you off the floor. You put one of your arms around his neck, whilst he supported you.

"Don't try and run before you can walk. Your body has been through a lot, its gonna take time." he scolded.

You rolled your eyes, "that would be funny, if it wasn't so sad. Currently I can't even walk."

Dutch kissed your cheek, "you will baby girl, its just gonna take a bit of time. Now lets take it slowly, one step at a time."

You managed to make it to the door. Although to be fair, your legs weren't holding you up, Dutch was.

You looked out, it was nice to see the sky again, and feel the sun on your arms.

Despite your current predicament, you couldn't help but smile.

You saw Arthur, looking at you. Then he glanced at Dutch.

"You need a hand?" he asked.

Dutch smirked, "Thank you, son. We need to get Kara over to one of the wagons. I'd carry her, but she's being particularly stubborn today!"

Arthur chuckled, and walked over.

You frowned, at him, then at Dutch.

"You better watch yourself, young lady," Dutch whispered in your ear, "or you might be in trouble," he threatened, as his eyes burned with lust.

You looked at him, and bit your bottom lip.

"Do that again, and you will be in trouble," he purred.

Your face flushed.

"C'mon Arthur," Dutch smirked, "lets get this woman into the wagon."

Arthur and Dutch slowly walked you to the waiting wagon. Every so often, you would ask them to stop, so you could take a rest. You couldn't believe that you couldn't even make it across camp.

Every time you stopped, Dutch would ask if you were ok, and offer to carry you the rest of the way. You declined, of course. You were determined to get back on your feet.

You finally reached the wagon. You had never been so relieved.

Dutch picked you up, and put you in the back. You didn't complain, much to his surprise.

"Are you ok, baby girl?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

"Frustrated, seems like I can't do anything without being exhausted," you complained.

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