
Start from the beginning

After a few minutes, Livia's heart chilled. Still no Lila. She's seen Brie walk by. Gretchen. Gianna. No Lila. Did the girl walk in elsewhere?

And then, finally, she saw Lila's braided brown hair. Taking a few steps forward, Livia managed to effectively block off Lila's path. When the girl saw who it was, her tight-lipped smile instantly turned into a scowl.

"What do you want?" The girl snarled, crossing her arms across her chest. Livia met her gaze with a steely look, refusing to flinch or turn away.

"To talk. Something wrong with that?" Livia asked, feigning hurt. "I thought we're friends, Anderson."

"Were," Lila emphasised, "Get out of my way."

When Lila tried to slam past Livia, the other girl yanked on her shoulder, pulling her back, locking her in place with a cool look.

"Don't bother. Come on, just follow me. You and I both know who'll be hurt more if this situation gets bloody."

They do. Lila's fight with Gigi had managed to lower her social status to a 'spoilt, whiney bitch'. And it isn't just classmates and schoolmates. Lila is the daughter of a famous actress.

Livia, on the other hand, has a more or less clean history. A few fights here and there, but never enough to land her in serious trouble. Her tragic backstory and otherwise pristine record means that her reputation is spectacular.

Sighing, Lila didn't argue and allowed Livia to lead her down a couple corridors until they reached an empty classroom. Livia had checked beforehand to make sure the door wasn't locked. Much safer to discuss here than out there. The walls have ears.

"Great. You brought me here to murder me?"

"If I wanted to kill you, I'd have done it already," Livia scoffed. "Say what you want about me, Anderson, but a murderer is not my thing."

Technically, if given the proper situation, it probably would be, but for now? Let her try her best to not get herself on the FBI's watchlist.

"Let's just get this over with. State your purpose."

"Stop acting like a stone hearted, entitled bitch, Anderson."

Lila has spent enough time around Livia to know what kind of person she is, but the girl had clearly not expected Livia to be this blunt. After all, Livia always seems to have sugar coated her insults and words when they're directed at her or Brie, and Lila hadn't witnessed enough of her arguments with Sarah or the twins to realise what kind of opponent she is in battle.

Hence, the girl almost physically winced at her harsh words. "I am not that, Wong, and you know it."

"You've been ignoring Brie for calling you out even though you were clearly in the wrong!"

"I was not in the wrong. I was standing up for my rights-"

"I respect you standing up for yourself, but lashing out at your friends for trying to calm you down and stop you from doing something you'll regret is not the way to do something," Livia lectured, eyebrows creased in a tight-lipped frown. "You and I both know that Brie isn't exactly the toughest person-"

"Then that's her own problem!" Lila snapped, though she instantly stopped herself.

Brie Carmen wasn't raised or taught to be steel and iron, unlike girls like Livia and Lila. No. Brie grew up surrounded by love and support, with only a few tragedies so far.

Lila reluctantly met Livia's steady gaze, lips twitching.

"You hurt Brie. Now apologise."

"I'm not apologising when I did nothing wrong."

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