Live, Laugh, Love

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A/N- This story was requested by aaliyahscott456. Sorry it took so long to get out, life had been super crazy lately, not to mention this was rewritten multiple times. Anyway it's finally done, and here it is enjoy!

Years after graduating high school you and Tony were still together, thriving as a couple and parents. You had four children and with one on the way you and Tony couldn't be happier. Your oldest boys, Kai and Owen, we're twins and looked damn near exactly like their father. Your middle child, Cameron, looked like Tony too, with big brown eyes and the shiny jet black hair. Your youngest child, Corrina, had your features but looked like Tony in every other way. She had his hair, his eyes and even his attitude. You knew your 5th and hopefully final child was going to be a boy and you already had a name picked out, Damion, and with all your other children looking damn near identical to Tony with the exception of Corrina, you were hoping that this one would look more like you than Tony. You were sitting in the living room, reading a book, waiting for Tony to get home from work and the kids to get home from school. You hear the school bus pull up in front of the house, putting your book down you half waddle half walk to the door to greet your kids. "How was school?"

Owen and Kai smile at you as they hang their bookbags their hooks. "Good. We painted pictures in art today."

Both boys proudly show you their paintings, making you smile. "They're beautiful. We'll have to find room on the fridge for them." You say, giggling when both boys nod enthusiastically and take off towards the kitchen.

Corrina and Cameron walk in the house next with Tony hot on their heels. "Sorry I'm late, mi amor." He give you a quick peck on the lips, making Cameron and Corrina crinkle their noses. You laugh, walking towards the kitchen to get all four kids snacks.

Tony follows you, sitting down at the table with the three boys. "You know, you really shouldn't be on your feet this much." Tony says, getting up from his spit and wrapping his arms around you as you cut apples for the kids.

"I'm not seeing where I have a choice, considering you're at work almost all day and I'm the only one home." You say, rolling your eyes when Tony let's out a soft laugh.

"Fair point. Hey, when's the next ultrasound? I want to make sure I get the day off work."

You smile and walk over to the calendar hanging on the fridge. "Umm, it's next week Thursday."

Tony nods, immediately texting his boss to let him know. "Okay, so now that that's taken care of, there's one more thing I want to ask you."

"Okay, shoot." You say, giving tong a quick smile as you hand each of your children half an apple with a small Dixie cups full of peanut butter.

"Can we get a dog? I know we've had this talk before but I really think it would be good for the kids and with the baby on the way I think it would be good to have a little extra security." Tony rambles, barely stopping to take a breath.

"Tony slow down. I actually think that getting a couple dogs wouldn't be a bad idea. We can go look at the shelter tomorrow." You laugh

" Can we go tonight?" Tony asks, looking at you the same way your kids do when they want another snack.

You roll your eyes and smile at him "Fine we can go tonight."

You quickly clean up your mess and get the kids loaded in to the van. You start heading to the shelter when you see two dogs walking alongside the road. You pull over and grab the bag of beef jerky Tony had bought. You whistle and both dogs come toward you, slowly unsure of you. As they get closer you see one is a Pit bull and the other is a Rottie. You smile and hold out two strips of jerky. The dogs take them and back away slowly. Tony gets out of the van, watching you interact with the two dogs. The Rottie instantly sits next to you, nudging your stomach softly, and the Pit bull does the same. You look back at Tony and smile. "I don't think we need to go to the shelter." He nods smiling at you.

You lead the two dogs to the van and load them into the back, driving home you unload the kids and bring the dogs in the house. You get to work bathing both dogs, and sending Tony to get collars for them. Corrina walks into the bathroom and sits next to you. "Mommy?"

"What sweetheart?" You ask, squeezing more dog shampoo into the palm of your hand.

"What are we gonna name the puppies?"

You smile at your daughter "Well, daddy and I were thinking you could name one and your brothers could name the other." You tell her, shielding yourself from water as one of the dogs tries to climb over the other.

" I wanna name the black and brown one." You smile at your daughter as she points to the Rottie.

"Okay what should we name him?" You ask, turning your attention to her

"Apollo." She says, smiling at the dog.

You nod "Okay, go get your brothers so they can name the other one."

She nods taking off to find her brothers. She returns a few moments later, all three boys in tow. " Mommy, they have a name for him."

"What did you boys come up with?" You ask, laughing when all three break into huge smiles.

"Conrad." Kai says, smiling brightly at you.

"I love it." You smile at your children.

Shortly after the dogs are done with their baths, Tony returns home with collars, beds, toys, and a bunch of other stuff. "Tony, go a little over board?"

He shrugs his shoulder and gets to work setting up a space for the dogs in the living room. As he is working you happen to look up, seeing Corrina asleep with Apollo next to her on the couch and the boys on the floor with Conrad. You tap Tony in the shoulder, and point to the couch getting him to look. "That's sweet." He says, tiptoeing over to the sleeping girl, making the dog lift his head, Tony pulls a collar out of a bag and puts it around the dog's neck, he does the same with Conrad, pausing to pet both dogs.

"I love our  family." You say, softly rubbing your baby bump.

To y walks over wrapping his arms around you. " Me too, mi amor."

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