Seeing Fate

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You had always been very in tune with people and their emotions, you were even able to tell how someone was feeling just by looking at them. This made us hard for you to make friends, but when you met Hannah, everything just clicked. The two of you were immediately best friends and neither of you understood exactly how but you were grateful all the same. You started to notice a change in Hannah over a few months, she was withdrawn and just not herself. You were so worried about her you went to Tony, who you had only ever heard her talk about, he told you some of what was going on but he couldn't tell you everything. After you started meeting Tony and asking him to keep you updated on Hannah, you started to hang out with her as much as possible, everyday after school and on weekends, any free time you had you spent with Hannah purely to help her feel better. Tony kept you updated on how she was doing and while you thought she was getting better, feeling better, she completely withdrew. When this happened you blamed yourself, she had asked you to go to a party with her but you said no because you were so behind in biology that you couldn't take the break even if you had wanted to. Hannah started talking to everyone less, becoming more and more withdrawn until she was completely gone.

You remember the day you got the call, it was Tony who had called you. Somewhere in your mind you knew that this was going to happen but it didn't change how hard you took it. You were a mess and still were for that matter. You had lost your only friend and it put you in a dark place. Then you heard about the tapes and as terrible as it was you hoped you had one just so you could hear your friend talk to you again, but you didn't have a tape. You got a letter written by her telling you how sorry she was and she wanted you to be happy for her, everything you expected her to say if she were still alive. Tony had brought you the letter, for him it was also an excuse to check up on you since you had skipped out on the last couple times you were supposed to meet at the coffee shop.

You sit at your kitchen table, Tony across from you, with shaking hands. "I just- I don't understand." Your voice is a dead give away that you're holding back tears.

"I don't either, all I know is what was in the instructions I was given." Tony sighs before continuing. " She cared about you. You were her best friend, the best I can guess is that she wanted to you have closure, to be able to move on from it eventually."

You nod staying silent for a few minutes before taking a deep breath " How can I move on when I have no one. My own parents could care less about me, I have no siblings or any other family, she was my family. She was my best friend so if you can think of a way for me to move on, I'm all ears."

"I get it, but you can't just stop living either." Tony says, locking eyes with you.

" You can't stop living, when you really weren't living to start with." You say, getting up from the table so fast you spill some of Tony's coffee.

"Listen I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, especially after Hannah, so why don't we start doing stuff that's going to help YOU get better." Tony sighs, running his hands through his hair. " and truthfully if something happened to you I wouldn't know what to do."

You stare at Tony for a second  "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I care about you as much as I did Hannah, I can't deal with losing someone else."

You sigh and give him a tight smile. " I may hate being alive but I sure as shit am not going anywhere."

A few weeks later you find yourself in the hospital due to you passing out at school from lack of food,  while you were there a nurse noticed the lines of cuts on your inner thighs and shoulders, a place you thought they wouldn't notice. Once the nurse saw the cuts she immediately called all the proper people and things started happening very quickly. You were placed on a 72 hour hold, where they confirmed you were depressed and having thoughts of self harm and suicide. After they determined that you needed treatment you were admitted. You went to group therapy every morning like clockwork, everything you did was supervised, even showering. You had been in the hospital for about two weeks before anyone came to see you, your mom and dad never even thought to check on you. Tony look nervous when you walk into the visitation area with two orderlies trailing behind you. As you sit the orderlies depart leaving you and Tony alone in the room together. "I brought some stuff from your room at your house to help make you feel a bit more comfortable."

"You didn't need to do that Tony, they probably wont let me have any of it anyway." You try to give him a small smile, but you're sure it would look more like a grimace if you could see it for yourself.

Tony scratches the back of his neck nervously and sighs. "Yeah, I didn't think about that when I grabbed it."

You both sit in silence for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to say. You are the first to break the silence with a question that seems to shock both of you. "Why come see me now? I mean I've been here for two weeks so why now?"

Tony stares at you in shock for a few moments before shaking his head as if to shake a thought loose. "No one said anything until yesterday. The school called your parents about your attendance and that's when everyone found out."

You stare at him, your mind working to absorb the information you had just been given. "My parents didn't even contact the school?"

Tony shakes his head and you continue to stare at him in shock. "Like I said everyone just found out you were here, if I had known earlier I would've been here everyday."

"So what happens now?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.

"I had my mom go to your parents house and tell them that you would be staying with us from now on."

You laugh at his words, knowing your parents would've laughed in Tony's mothers face. "I'm sure that went great."

"She wasn't as nice about it as you would think she was. She also told them they were terrible parents and a few other choice words to describe them as people before she gathered your things and left."

You stare at Tony with what you can only imagine to be a mixture of relief and surprise mixed with a little shock. You feel the relief at the though of never having to go back to your parents and be a free live-in maid, surprise because your parents didn't try to fight Tony's mom, and shock from all the changes happening in your life. "So," Says tony breaking the silence that had once again fallen between you as you stared at him. "When are you getting out of here?" 

"A couple weeks yet but I need a parent or a legal guardian to check me out." 

"Ah well it just so happens my mom is working on the paperwork to become your legal guardian as we speak. All your parents are going to have to do is sign a piece of paper they'll never even read."

You smile at the thought of never having to see your awful parents again. "This is unbelievable, I never thought I would see the day i finally got away from them."

Tony smiles back at you. " Well I'll be here everyday until you get out, I'll be here after that too, of course." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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