Long Lost Memories Part 3

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A/N: @sourgirllll       Wow this story has really pulled me in and we are definitely getting at least one more part maybe two... we'll see! I cant wait for y'all see the ending! 

Your POV ( 5 years after the first Date)

You sigh getting more nervous by the hour, its the night before your wedding and your were stressed to say the least. Tony laid in bed next to you peacefully sleeping save for the occasional snore that escaped him every few minutes or so, You rolled your eyes as you carefully climbed out of bed so you didn't wake him up. You made your way downstairs, finding your dog and cat snuggling on the couch. The minute they saw you making your way down the stairs they jumped apart making you laugh quietly. You make you way into the kitchen and open the fridge scanning it contents. You sigh and pull out a carton of strawberries. After you wash your fruit you make your way into the living room and settle in on the couch.

You must've dozed off at some point because when you wake up there's a cup of coffee and a couple pieces of toast in front of you and Tony is working on getting the kitchen cleaned up. You stretch and grab the cup of coffee. You make your way over to Tony, who has his back turned to you, and kiss the back of his neck. He jumps and turns around, smiling when he sees you looking groggy but awake all the same. "You ready for today?"

You nod your head still way to sleepy to actually have a conversation with anyone. Tony laughs as you shuffle your way back to the couch and grab a blanket. You throw the blanket over your head and shoulders before falling over onto the couch. Tony looks at you over the edge of the couch. "You want to sleep longer, huh?" 

You shake your head. Tony looks confused and scratches the back of his neck. "Are you feeling okay?"

You shake your head again. "I feel sick and just icky." 

"Hmmm, you've been saying that for the last few weeks, is there a possibility that you're pregnant?"

You sit up and stare at Tony with wide eyes, your hands instinctively go to your stomach. "No you remember what the doctor said, I can't get pregnant."

"Still it never hurts to take a test, at this point we can't be more disappointed that we have been before and we still have those boxes under the sink."

You sigh. "Yeah, but even if I am pregnant we have a whole wedding to focus on today." 

"You're right." Tony says tapping his finger on the back of the couch. " Here's what we're going to do, you're going to take the pregnancy test and put it back min the package and we'll look at it together tonight after everything is said and done with so if its negative it doesn't ruin our day."

You nod giving Tony a small smile. "Maybe it's just nerves." You get up from your spot on the couch and head upstairs to get ready for your day.

As you get ready your phone buzzes nonstop, all texts about the wedding and last minute changes or small hiccups that can easily be fixed but you need to know about. When you're finally ready you walk downstairs to see Tony scrambling to get everything together including your dog, a huge mixed breed thats half Tibetan Mastiff and half German Shepard, that's running around with his leash and staying just out of Tony's reach. You stifle your laugher and pull yourself together enough to call out to the dog " Hermes, get over here." 

Hermes stops dead in his tracks and walks up to you, dropping his leash at your feet. You smile at him and pick up the leash. You had been training him since you had gotten him at the shelter as a puppy, and thank god Tony bought one of those dog DNA kits so you could see what breeds he was because you would've never guessed that the tiny puppy you brought home would have gotten to almost 200 pounds in 10 months. You walk over to Tony with Hermes in tow. "Take a breath." You grab Tony's shoulders and start to rub them. "Everything is going to be okay."

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