A/N: Requests/ Life

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Requests are open!!! I have been very bored lately and am looking for something to take my mind off of life troubles for a little while. I also wanted to say that requests are open for everything I write, so if you have an idea for a book that you would possibly want me to write I'm taking those, if you have a Supernatural imagine you want written I'm also taking them, If you want me to update a certain book let me know I'll update it. I also wanted to take this chance to give you guys an update on why I haven't been writing as much these days. I have graduated high school and I have been enjoying working 40 hours a week for the duration of this summer until college starts this fall. I have also had a couple family members pass away this year. My great grandma passed away near the end of the school year, that hit really hard because it was very unexpected and it threw me off my game for a few months and My grandpa passed away a few weeks ago. His health had been declining since his birthday in march and he had been in and out of the hospital quite a bit, anyway, my family and I had time to grieve before he had passed but it doesn't change the fact that, to me, family is everything so when someone passes it hits so hard. 

                              Thank you for letting me rant and share a bit of my life with you!


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