One Phone Call

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A/N: This is based on a request by cherylsarena . Thanks for the request, I really enjoyed writing it. I plan on getting to work on a part two shortly!

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Tony asks, giving you one last chance to change your mind.

"I'm sure Tony, besides I wouldn't be much fun." You reply, rolling your eyes.

"You could be our DD." Clay suggests trying to help Tony out.

"I'll stay home, but thanks for inviting me guys." You smile, walking out the door to your car.

As soon as you get home you walk in the house to find your mom in the kitchen. "Hey mom." You greet her, sitting at the kitchen table.

"How was school?" Your mom walks over to the table putting a plate with a peanut butter and banana sandwich and some oreos.

"Thanks." You say picking the sandwich up and taking a huge bite. Once you finish chewing you clear your throat. "School was fine. Tony wanted me to go to a party with him and Clay but I told him no. It would've been way to awkward considering we broke up last month."

"Didn't Tony break up with you?" Your mom asks.

"Yeah, that's what awkward about it. He's the one that breaks up with me but then a month later starts asking me to parties. It really doesn't make sense." You say, throwing your hands up in irritation.

Your mom chuckles softly " Well Honey, he was your first boyfriend, there's still a lot you have to learn about love."

"See that's the thing mom, Tony and I only dated for 6 months and in that time I don't think I ever felt like I loved him. He said it to me all the time but I could never bring myself to say it back. I think that's part of the reason we broke up even if he didn't say it to my face."

"I don't know what to tell you (Y/N)." Your mom shrugs her shoulders, giving you a small smile.

Later that night: Around midnight
You wake up to your phone ringing on your night stand. You grab your phone just as it stops ringing. You enter your password, checking to see who called you, the number wasn't saved in your phone. You decide to call the number back. After a couple of rings someone picks up the phone. " Hello?"

"Who is this?" You ask.

" Vallejo Hospital, how may I help you ma'am?" A woman, you figure she's probably a nurse or one of the front desk receptionists, says quietly into the phone.

Your heart skips a beat when the woman tells you the hospital called you. "Um, yeah, I got a call from this number not even five minutes ago, I was just calling back to figure out why." You explain, the words coming out jumbled and barely understandable.

"Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" The woman asks, a little louder.

"Yeah, that's me. Why what's going on?" You ask, panic creeping into your voice.

"There was an accident." The woman pauses, waiting for you take in and process the information.

After she says those words you start to fully panic. "What kind of accident?" You ask, your voice strained.

"A car accident. A couple of your friends were involved."

"Are they okay?" You question, needing the reassurance.

"They're stable," You hear a scuffling sound on the other end and a few hushed words before the nurse continues "Sorry about that, like I said they're stable. Would you like to talk to someone?"

Tony Padilla Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن