Rejection and Disappointment

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(Y/N)'s POV

You had been friends with Tony for years and you told him everything, including who you were crushing on. This years crush was none other than Jeff Atkins, Tony had laughed when you told him, but quickly realized you weren't kidding and stopped when he noticed you holding back tears. You rarely cry so when you do its usually over something you love, which in this case you thought you loved Jeff. Tony's facial expression changed in a split second from happy and thinking you were kidding to soft and gentle. Tony pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on the top of your head, you sat there for a long time just crying on Tony's shoulder, with him whispering calming words and just being there for you. "I'm going to tell Jeff how I feel." You tell Tony once you calmed down.

Tony continues to rest his chin on the top of your head, simply nodding slightly as an answer to your decision. You loved these moments, the moments where you could be yourself and not have to worry about anyone judging you. That was what you got from Tony, no judgement, but a helping hand and a loving friend who accepted you for who you are. 

You walked into class with Tony setting your things down on the desk next to his before spotting Jeff. You walk up to Jeff and immediately tell him how you feel. You hold your breath waiting for and answer, time seemed to stand still as you waited. You waited for what felt like forever before Jeff burst out laughing . "You think I would ever go out with some one like you? How'd you get that idea stuck in your head?" Jeff says, in between bursts of laughter 

All you can do is stand there in shock at the words that you had heard come out of his mouth, Jeff had always had a reputation of being kind and caring. You stand staring at Jeff in shock for another minute before running out of the classroom, leaving a laughing Jeff and a very pissed off Tony in the same room.

Tony's POV

I was debating on going after (Y/N) first and giving Jeff a piece of my mind and a few good punches later or doing things the other way around. I had never realized how much of an asshole Jeff could be until now, deciding to go after (Y/N), I made the decision to deal with Jeff later, and maybe ask my brothers for help with the problem too, after all (Y/N) was like a little sister to them. I immediately head to the one place I know (Y/N) would go when she was this upset. I walk out of the school, to the parking lot. I spot (Y/N) sitting against my car with her head in her hands and her knees drawn close to her chest. I walk closer and sit next to her, putting my arm around her shoulder. "It's not the end of the world, you know that. You still got me and my brothers, we won't ever leave." I say, carefully pulling her closer to me.

"It doesn't change the fact that the rejection hurts, Tony." She says, her voice muffled by her hands.

"I know it doesn't. As much as I hate to tell you nothing is going to help with the pain of rejection, it's something that you will get over with time." I say softly, being careful not to upset her more.

"I don' t know what sucks more, the rejection or the disappointment." She says, moving her hands away from her face.

"What do you mean?"

"I always thought that Jeff was a nice guy and was always polite to everyone, but that was all a lie." 

"People aren't always what they appear to be." I say, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I know, doesn't change the fact that people still hope that they will be." she says.

"I know, now with that said, I have to tell you that the rejection and the disappointment don't matter as long as you be the person you want to be and you don't let anyone tell you who to be." I tell her, before grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet.

As we walk back into the school I look into her eyes and  see a small glimmer of hope shining in them, I know she'll be alright with just that little glimmer of hope.

Tony Padilla Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें