Struggles in Love (One Night Stands Part 2)

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A/N: This is part 2 of One Night Stands, requested by @MyLifeMyHeartMyStory. Hope you like it!!!

You were nine months into your pregnancy and other than wondering where the time went, you were more concerned about when this demon that everyone was telling you would make life so much better would come into this world. You knew that the stress of being a dad in high school had finally hit Tony, hard. You could only watch helpless as he began to stress more and more about not being good enough or not being there like he should. You were sitting at Tony's house laying on his bed trying to relax, when you feel a kick. This is the first time the baby had kicked when Tony was around, pulling yourself into an upright position, you grab Tony's hand to stop him from his pacing and put his hand on your swollen belly. As Tony feels the baby kick, his face lights up. You smile and tear up a bit because this is the first time you had seen him so calm, since you entered your third trimester. "Damn hormones." You mumble under your breath.

Tony laughs, moving his hand from your belly to your cheek to lightly cup your face. He leans his head against yours and just smiles. "I hope our baby is just as beautiful as her mother."

"Her? we don't know if the baby is a boy or girl Tony." You say, chuckling softly.

"What? I have a feeling." Tony says, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.

"Okay." You roll your eyes, and lay back down on the bed.

"In all seriousness though, how are you feeling?" Tony says, sitting next to you on the bed.

"Uncomfortable as hell because of the baby, and I'm really craving french fries dipped in a chocolate milkshake." You admit.

Tony laughs, "I'll be right back"

You lay on the bed waiting for tony to get back when you feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. You sit up thinking it might be the way you were laying on the bed. As you sit up another sharp pain shoots through your stomach. You stand, fighting back tears as the pain worsens, and slowly make your way to the door. "Tony," You call down the stairs, voice cracking slightly.

You stand at the door for what seems like forever before Tony's mom walks up the steps. "Honey, what are you doing up? You should be resting." she says, walking towards you.

"Something's wrong." That's all you have to say before she is yelling in Spanish for Tony's dad and Tony to come help get you to the car.

As soon as both men come into view, along with Tony's brothers looking equally concerned, you are being lead to Tony's mustang and helped into the back seat. You try to focus on something other than the pain, but it becomes increasingly hard with Tony panicking. When you finally reach the hospital you are lead to a wheel chair and pushed down the hall, leaving a panicking Tony and his family behind. 

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