Hello Again (imagine)

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A/N: I found this while searching up Christian Navarro's name and fell in love, so being the person I am I decided to write an imagine based on the song. Now you, as the reader, have the choice to listen to the song while you read and I will tell you when to start it, but you don't have to.

Tony's POV

It has never been easy for me to accept change and I guess why when my best friend and long time crush left a year ago, it still hurts. When she told me she was leaving, I broke. I had never told her how I felt, but I loved her, and i should have told her when I had the chance. I sit in a chair next to Clay, staring at her picture that I keep in my wallet, in study hall. I'm off in my own little world, and I love it because I can see her, I don't have to worry about her leaving. "Hey, Tony snap out of it." Clay says, snapping in front of my face to get my attention.

I smack his hand away from my face and turn to glare at him. "What?" I almost growl at him.

"You see the new girl?" Clay asks, jerking his head over to the other side of the library.

I looked in the direction Clay had motioned to. I see a girl with dark hair, it looks almost black. She's wearing a leather jacket with a plain black t-shirt under it. She looks familiar in a way, but I shrug the feeling off. I continue to stare until she notices. Her (Y/E/C) get wide and she makes a beeline for the library's exit. I get up to chase after her, leaving Clay looking both confused and concerned at the same time. I run out of the library and loo both ways down the hall to see where she went, once i catch sight of her turning a corner I break into a jog to catch up to her. When I finally catch up to her, I grab her arm and spin her around. "Why are you following me?" She asks, looking anywhere but my face and covering one side of her face with her hair.

"(Y/N)?" I ask, my eyes searching what I can see of her face.

"No, now can you please let me go?" she asks, her voice breaking as if it hurts to talk to me.

"Sorry, you look like someone I used to know before she left." I apologize, letting go of her arm.

"Sounds like a line out of a bad romance movie" she jokes, still looking any where but directly at me.

"That bad?" I ask her, bending down slightly to see her face.

"Yeah. Now I have to get to the office, Mr. Porter wanted to see me." she says, taking off down the hall.

As she turns away from me I swear I see the line of a scar that runs the length of her cheek. I smile at the thought of (Y/N) being back, but I quickly push the thought away, still stuck on the idea that she is never coming back. I walk back to the library, tears building in my eyes as I look down at the picture I keep of her in my wallet. The girls face sticks in my head, and I know I have to try again to get some answers

(Y/N)'s POV/ Start Song

At the end of the day you start your walk home, not bothering to worry about people recognizing you. As you walk you hear a familiar car pull up beside you, one you had ridden in many times before you left. The car continues to follow you down the street, you pretend not to notice, keeping a slow pace. You don't bother even glancing at the car, you know who it is. "(Y/N) want a ride?" Tony yells out the passenger window.

"Sure Tony." You respond without thinking about not wanting people to recognize you.

"I knew it!" Tony says, stopping the car and getting out.

"Son of a bitch." You say under your breath.

"Hey, I need you to look at me. Please?" Tony's voice softens as he grabs your chin.

You look in to Tony's hazel eyes and search his face for any sign of anger, but all you see is happiness and a little bit of sadness too. He smiles at you and moves your hair away from your scarred cheek. You pull away, but not before he sees the scar, quickly moving your hair over the scar again. "What happened?"

"Car accident. I really don't want to talk about it Tony." You say, once again refusing to look Tony in the eyes.

Tony nods, reaching up he moves the hair away again and places a soft kiss to the scar. "I think it's beautiful." He whispers against your cheek.

You smile at Tony and reach up to move a piece of his hair that had fallen out of place. He smiles at you and pulls you closer. You squeak in surprise. Tony smirks at you, looking down at your lips for a split second, he leans in and kisses you. The kiss was something you had wanted to do the day you left, when you had to say goodbye a year ago, but you didn't have the courage. The kiss was short, but it was sweet and everything you had wanted it to be. "Hello again. I've missed you." Tony says softly, resting his forehead against yours.

You laugh softly "Hello again."

Tony moves his head away from yours, looking at you he smiles. "I love you, (Y/N). I always have."

You laugh, tears filling your eyes, you hug Tony and bury your face in his shoulder. "I love you too."

End Song

Tony Padilla ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now