The final Stretch (part 3 of One Night Stands)

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A/N: I have had so much fun writing  this and I'm actually kinda sad it's ending. Enjoy!! Huge shout out to the lovely MyLifeMyHeartMyStory for requesting this!! Sorry it took so long. Here we go...

Hours and hours of pain. All you had been feeling even before you got to the hospital was sharp pains shooting through your stomach. All you could hear were the doctors and nurses telling you to stay calm. As you went through hell all you could think about was Tony and your baby, you were worried that if something went wrong Tony wouldn't be able to handle any of this on his own. A nurse snaps you out of your thoughts by grabbing your shoulder. "I need you to start pushing." she tells you, moving her hand from your shoulder into your own. 

All you can do is nod and start to push, even with the pain you felt excited, nervous, and scared all at once. You couldn't wait for your baby to be here, but at the same time you didn't think you could do this. "One more pig push." The nurse squeezes your hand, reassuringly.

After one last push you see the doctor pick up your baby, immediately putting it on your chest. "It's a boy." The doctor tells you, picking up your baby once again so the nurses can clean him up.

You smile and instantly you start to cry. You cry not because of the pain, but because you are relieved. A nurse leads Tony in the room while you are crying. Tony rushes towards you, grabbing your hand as soon as he is close enough. "Hey, hey, look at me. Are you okay?" He asks, pushing your hair out of your face.

You look up at the face of Tony, who looks terrified, and concerned at the same time. "I'm fine, Tony. I really am." You smile up at him, your eyes still glistening with unshed tears.

When the nurse brings your baby back he is dressed in a little onesie with elephants all over it and a little blue hat on his head. After the nurse wraps him in a blanket, she hands him to you. "Do you have a name picked out?" She asks, smiling down at you.

You shoot a soft smile in Tony's direction, leaving him looking confused. "Yeah, umm... " You hesitate fro just a moment.

"Antonio." You say, watching Tony's face go from confused to excited in one split second.

"Are you serious?" Tony questions yo.

You nod your head, beginning to cry once again. Tony moves back to your side and pulls you into a hug. "I love our little family."

"I love our little family too." You say into the crook of Toy's neck.

One year later

Walking across the stage in your cap and gown was always a dream of yours, of course you never expected to have a baby on your hip as you accepted your diploma. You take a quick glance back at Tony who is watching you with a huge smile on his face. Your face lights up at the sight of him , you are so happy to have him and your little Antonio, who wasn't so little anymore. You accept your diploma, and make your way down the steps of the stage. The final stretch is over and you have to figure out what you want to do. You realize as you run ideas through your head, that as long as you have Tony and Antonio, you will be home where ever you go. You can get through anything as long as you have them by your side.

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