Fault Line

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A/N: This is based on a request by fathma_fares. Hope you like it! This one was serious but fun to write! Sorry it took so long I had semester tests then, just my luck, my internet stopped working for a while. It's fixed now, so here you go!!! LOL!!! :)  
(Y/N)'s POV

"It was one party Tony, Relax."

"Relax? you want me to relax?!" Tony yells at you.

You flinch away from him , he never raises his voice at you so when he does it scares you. Tony takes a deep breath and takes a step towards you. "I'm sorry, okay? It's just I don't want what happened to Hannah to happen to you."

"It won't, I'm careful." You sigh

"Yeah, so was Hannah." He mutters under his breath.

You turn around and glare at Tony. "Really you can't let this go? Can You?"

As Tony opens his mouth to speak, you start to walk to the door. "Where are you going?" Tony half yells.

"Out." you answer before walking out the door

You walk all the way to Bryce Walker's house and knock on the door. You are about to knock a second time when a very drunk Montgomery De La Cruz opens the door. His eyes widen in shock " Where's your boy toy (Y/N)?"

You scoff at his words. "Tony isn't here." 

You push past Monty and make your way to the kitchen. You find someone who is serving drinks "Hey, can I get a glass of whiskey please?" 

"Hitting the hard stuff tonight aren't we, (Y/N)?" 

"Yeah, I am."

As the person turns around you realize that it is none other than Bryce Walker. You instantly tense up "Hey Bryce."

"You look tense, you should sit in the hot tub for a while, it'll loosen you right up." Bryce says, smiling.

You relax a little "That sounds great actually."

Bryce smiles and leads you outside to the hot tub. You blush a little when you take off your clothes, leaving you in only your bra and underwear. You climb into the hot tub and let the warm water surround you loosening your tense muscles. You feel the water shift as Bryce gets in with you. He makes his way over to you and puts his arm around your shoulder. "See? I told you it  would loosen you up."

Bryce grabs your arm and twists you so he is in front of you. You cry out in pain as his grip tightens around your arm when you try to pull away. "I don't think so, since Tony isn't around I'm going to have some fun with you." 

You struggle even more when Bryce pins your arm behind your back. You twist and pull trying to get away from Bryce but the more you struggle, the tighter his grip becomes.

Tony's POV 

I have tried calling her phone at least 10 times in the last 20 minutes. I got a text from her after she left telling me not to worry and that she was fine. After an hour passed I started to worry, she never went this long without texting me, even if she was mad. I called Clay and Justin to see if they had seen or heard from her, they both told me they hadn't but they would let me know if they did. As I pace around my room, waiting for her to call me, my phone rings. When her name and number appear on the screen I answer is right away. "T- Tony?" She sniffles a little.

"Baby, What's wrong?" 

I don't get an answer, she just starts crying. "Where are you?" I ask, starting to panic

It takes her a few seconds to answer through the tears. "B- Bryce Walker's place." 

"Okay, Honey I need you to breathe. Calm down, Okay?"

"Okay" she sniffles and I can hear her taking deep breaths

"I'm on my way."


I hang up the phone and call Clay and Justin "I need you to meet me at Bryce's house, something happened to (Y/N). Call Zach too and tell him to be ready."

"Okay, we'll see you there." Clay says and hangs up.

(Y/N)'s  POV 

You stand in the bathroom of Bryce's pool house, taking deep breaths trying to stay calm like Tony told you. You look at the bruises Bryce left on your arms and shoulders and start to cry again. When you hear someone walk in the pool house you put your shirt back on.

"(Y/N)? You in here? It's Zach. Clay called to let me know Tony was on his way and told me to keep and eye on you." 

You walk out of the bathroom and see Zach standing in the living room waiting for you. "Tony's on his way?" You ask, tears filling your eyes again.


You both turn when hear the familiar sound of Tony's Mustang pulling up to Bryce's house. You run past Zach out of the pool house in order to get to Tony. Once you reach Tony you jump in to his arms and he stumbles back a few steps after he catches you. "What happened?" Tony asks, but all you can do is cry. 

Zach walks up to Tony and gives him a sad look "Same as Hannah."

"She told you?" Tony asks Zach 

"No, I- I just saw the bruises and put two and two together" Zach says, stumbling over his words.

While Tony and Zach are talking, with you still in Tony's arms, Clay and Justin pull into Bryce's driveway. They get out of the car and run up to you, Tony, and Zach. "I'm going to go take care of this. Clay, will you bring her home please?"

" Yeah, sure Tony."

Tony puts you on the ground, with his arms still around you, just in case you fall. "Go with Clay, okay?"

You nod your head and walk to Clay's car and get in the passenger seat. Clay gets in the driver seat and pulls out of the drive way.

Tony watches you leave then turns back to Zach "I'm Going to beat the living shit out of Bryce."

Tony's POV 

I walk through Bryce's house until I reach the back yard. I stand on the patio for a minute before I spot Bryce through the crowd. I growl and make my way over to him, with Justin and Zach in tow. Once I reach him, I don't say anything. I throw a right hook his way. I feel my fist meet Bryce's face. I smile as I watch him stumble and fall into the pool. "What the fuck, Padilla?"

I glare at him as he gets out of the pool. "You really think I wouldn't find out?!" I shout at him

"Oh, about your girl? Dude, she's a slut just like Hannah, just like Jessica." Bryce sneers 

I lunge at him, throwing punches, each one meets its mark. Bryce starts to throw punches of his own, one hitting me in the side of the head, making my head spin. I shake it off and hit him in the nose, hearing the sickening crunch it made I knew I had managed to break it. I threw one last punch, hitting him in the side of the head, hard enough to knock him out. "Don't fuck with (Y/N) ever again." I growl at Bryce's unconscious form laying on the ground.

As I walk out of the house I can feel people's eyes on me and I can hear them whispering too. I turn around and glare at them "If you are thinking about blaming this on (Y/N), and saying this is her fault, I wouldn't. I will not have the fault line drawn. It's your fault, it's my fault, it's everyone's fault but her's. You all could have prevented this."

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