First Dates

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This is based on a request by DanielleBasped. I assume it was a request, anyway here you go enjoy!
(Y/N)'s POV

It was the week of Valentine's day and at Liberty High, the cheerleaders decided to do something they called dollar valentine. "This is ridiculous. Don't you think?" You best friend Hannah says walking up behind you.

"Yeah, I don't really see the point." You reply, still reading the flyer.

"Come on you guys should do it!" Sheri, one of the cheerleaders, tells you.

You roll your eyes as she shoves a questionnaire in both yours and Hannah's hands. " This ones on me. Fill them out and bring them back to me and only me and we will find your matches." She tells you and walks away.

You look over at Hannah, and smile. "Mights as well, can't complain when it's free."

"I guess." Hannah says, smiling back at you.

By the end of the day you have filled out your questionnaires and gotten your matches. Your five matches were:
1. Tony Padilla
2. Clay Jensen
3. Bryce Walker
4. Montgomery De La Cruz
5. Zach Dempsey

The only person you would even consider going out on a date with would be Tony, but you were sure he already had a girlfriend. You start to walk back to your house when you see Tony's Mustang pull up to the curb where Hannah is walking. Hannah stops and talks to Tony, and every once in a while you see her glance in your direction. You smile at her and wave, shooting her a quick text telling her you are heading home if she wants to hang out later.

You start you walk home and continue to text Hannah, talking about the matches you got and her upcoming date with Marcus. You are about half way home when it starts raining. You start to walk a faster hoping you can get home before it starts to downpour. You continue to walk and listen to the cars pass by until one stops. You recognize the car right away, it's Tony's Mustang. Tony rolls down the window " You want a ride?"

You nod your head and quickly get in the car. You are shivering thanks to the rain and Tony notices right away. " Hold on I have a blanket in the back seat." He says twisting around and grabbing it from behind you.

You accept the blanket and quickly wrap it around yourself. " Thanks, Tony."

"It's no problem." He says smiling at you.

You smile back. " What were you talking to Hannah about earlier?"

"You. I wanted to ask you on a date but I wasn't sure if you were single or not, so I asked her."

You laugh and Tony looks at you confused. " What?"

"Nothing. We both had the same problem. I though you had a girlfriend."

Tony starts to laugh along with you.   "Now that that's out of the way, why don't I take you out on a date?"

You smile " I'd like that."

"Really? Great. How's 8 o'clock tomorrow night sound?"

"Great. See you then."

You had both been so caught up in your conversation that you hadn't realized you were home. You smile and get out of the car. " See you tomorrow?" Tony asks you as you walk around the car to the driver's side.

" Yeah 8 o'clock, don't be late." You tease.

"Never." He smiles

You turn and walk in to your house and instantly call Hannah to tell her about your first date with Tony.

Tony Padilla ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now