The Day ( Rejection and Disappointment part 2)

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A/N: This is a request by Morgan624707
Thank you so much for letting me write this and also giving me a reason to write something again! I can't wait for you to read it and I'm so excited to see if you like it!

Tony's POV
I was so nervous about going to school today. I had thought about it so much and finally decided I was going to ask (y/n) on a date. I had been throwing the idea around since the whole thing with Jeff, at first I was going to do it just to make her smile and give her a nice night out, but the more I thought about it the more I realized I actually had feelings for her. There were so many things about her that I just loved and I never thought  would actually be asking her out on a date, it's so much but she's so worth it.

I had to sit in my car for a few minutes to collect myself before walking into school this morning. As I was walking in the door, she was running down the hallway to meet me. I smile at her and give her a small wave before she collides against my chest, almost knocking me to the ground. I laugh as I regain my balance. "What are you so hyper for?" I ask, watching her bounce on the balls of her feet.

You sprint down the hall at full speed and slam into Tony's chest knocking him off balance. You pull away just enough for him to regain his balance before pulling away completely and bouncing on the balls of your feet. "What are you so hyper for?" Tony asks, laughter in his voice.

You smile and continue to bounce and rock back and forth on your heels. "I had a few energy drinks but that's not important right now." You grab Tony's hand and start pulling him down the hall.

"So what is important?" Tony sounded more confused now than he was amused my your energy levels.

"I got into my dream college." You blurt out, not waiting for Tony to start assuming things.

"Really?" Tony seemed surprised with the news but excited regardless "That's great!"

He pick you up and spins you around once before putting you back down. After your feet are once again firmly planted on the floor you start to rock on your heels again. "That's not even the best part!" You squeal, barely able to contain all of your excitement.

"Okay, so what's the best part?" Tony asks, chuckling softly.

"I got in with a full scholarship!" You are yelling at this point but you're so excited that you don't care.

Tony laughs and gives you a huge hug "That's great! I'm so proud of you!"

You smile up at him and stand in silence for a bit before he clears his throat. You glance at him again and he looks nervous, almost the way you did when you tried asking Jeff out. "What's up?" You became increasingly concerned as he cleared his throat again and is face went a little pale.

"I- well- I was wondering if you would want to go out on date with me this Saturday? It could double as a celebration since you got into your dream school too." Tony raced through the sentence as fact as he could as if the words would never make it out of he didn't say them right then and there.

You stand there for a second processing what you were just asked, then a huge smile breaks out on your face. "Wait, really?" You can barely contain yourself as you wait for the answer you already knew.

"Yeah I mean you definitely deserve a nice date after everything with Jeff and now we have something to celebrate, not to mention I've always wanted to but I was always worried about ruining our friendship." Tony starts rambling a little and you shush him.

"Tony I get it because I felt the same way." You laugh as his face goes from confused to excited to pure joy.

O you pen your mouth to say something but then the bell rings. "I'll pick you up at 5. Wear something you're comfortable walking in." Tony says before taking off down the hall to his first class of the day.

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