Long Lost Memories Part 2

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A/N:  @sourgirllll Part 2 of the story that had me tearing up as I wrote it on my couch with my husband sitting next to me. I'm so excited to see what everyone thinks of this part of the story! Also Buckle up kids because this one is gonna be a long one!

Your POV

It had been a few weeks since you first met Tony and you were getting on pretty well at your new school. It helped that Tony introduced you to a bunch of people that he got along with or hung out frequently with. After you met Tony you felt less nervous going to a new school and honestly he's gotten you out of trouble. more than once already. You had nearly gotten in a fight with a girl and then Bryce Walker. Every time you were close to getting in a fight or in any kind of trouble Tony always appeared out of what seemed like thin air. You appreciated that he kept you out of trouble and you knew your mom was too. 

Tony had been giving you rides to and from school ever since the day you met and today felt off, Tony seemed more tense than usual and he kept giving you glances out of the corner of his eye. "Hey is something wrong?" You ask finally breaking the silence that had been suffocating you the whole ride.

"Hm? Oh no, everything is fine, just nervous is all." Tony glances at you again out of the corner of his eye trying to make it seem as though he was just checking his mirror.

"Are you sure?" You start letting your anxiety do the talking and you hate how you sound so worried about how a boy that will never see you as anything more than a friend. "Because you seem really uncomfortable around me. Did I do something to upset you or -"

Tony cuts you off as you start to ramble. "No you didn't do anything wrong I'm just nervous because, and I want to tell you I wasn't planning on asking you like this, but I was going to ask you on a date today, I wanted to wait for the perfect moment but I guess there's no such thing." Tony gives you a small, nervous smile before focusing his gaze back on the road.

You sit in shock at what he had just confessed to you. You feel your cheeks warm up as you blush, you've had a crush on Tony since the day you met him but you didn't want to ruin the friendship you already had with him. "Tony, I,  um, " You stammer trying to find the right words to tell him how you felt and that you had wanted him to ask you out for weeks but they just wouldn't come. You take a deep breath and start again "Tony, you have no idea how great it was to hear that. I'll be honest with you, I've had a crush on you since the day we met but I didn't want to ruin a great friendship by confessing feelings that might not have been the same." 

You watch as his face lights up with a huge smile and it makes you smile. You take a sigh of relief and Tony does the same. You scoot over on the seat to fiddle with the radio a bit and just to be closer to Tony. "What are you doing?" He asks glancing down at you hunched over trying to find a decent radio station.

"Trying to find a good radio station but there doesn't seem to be any." You grumble getting frustrated at the lack of good music. Tony lets out a small chuckle bringing your attention back to him for a moment. "Do you have any cassettes?" 

Tony nods and points at the glovebox. You smile as you look through the cassettes, quickly finding one that you want to listen to. You put in (Y/F/B). You lean back on the sweat and smile, closing your eyes and letting the music wash over you. Music was always your calling, you were in choir at your old school and you had alway loved music in general. Your dad introduced you to classic rock when you were younger and it stuck with you. After he passed away and it was just you and your mom, music became your safe place too. Whenever you needed to escape you put your headphones on and got lost in the lyrics.

When you finally get to school you try to race to your locker which happens to be right next to Bryce Walker's, in your hurry to try and avoid so much as seeing Bryce you forgot that you rode with Tony and you hadn't even started planning the date.You push that thought o the back of your mind and focus on getting to your locker knowing you'll see Tony before your first class of the day. When you finally reach your locker you sigh seeing Bryce leaning against it with a smirk on his face. "Hey (Y/N), what's the hurry?"

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